Bohemian Rhapsody. That's where the line in my blog title comes from. I've always been very fascinated with this song. I knew it was by Queen and written by Freddie Mercury and that it was featured in Wayne's World. I also knew it had three different types of parts and I just found it interesting. I mean, hello, there's a mini opera in it! Anyways, whenever someone comes over I would make them sing it on karaoke because I never really knew how it went (but always wanted to sing it myself). But then, the BEST SHOW EVER performed it (unfortunately, not by my beloved Gleeks, but by Vocal Adrenaline) but I have to say that now I am COMPLETELY obsessed with this song. I find myself singing it constantly, and I absolutely love it. It fulfills my need for singing in an opera voice. It has a head-banging rock part. It has a slow, melancholy ballad. It has everything you could ask for in a song, including a story. Okay, and if you don't already think I'm craycee, I wikipedia'd it. So now I also know the background of it too. Fascinating. Yeah. That's me. Welcome to my world. So yeah, if you ever come over, be ready to sing it. It's a must.
And while I'm at it - I might as well discuss the Glee Season Finale. (wow, it's been a while) but I'm assuming that all my fellow Gleek obsessives have all watched it by now. I personally loved all the song choices, especially of course the above named Bohemian Rhapsody. I thoroughly enjoyed the Journey medley because let's face it, no one can resist Don't Stop Believin. I loved To Sir, with Love even though I didn't know it was To Sir, with Love at first. (BTW, I also wikipedia'd that because all I knew about that was that Sidney Poitier was in it. Also fascinating. Pretty much a pre-cursor to "Dangerous Minds". Yes, Coolio). Knowing the background to songs always makes it more interesting to me. Anyways, I thought it was lovely and sad at the same time, and I, like Mr. Schu, shed a bit of a tear at the end of it. Of course it closed with the utterly wonderful "Somewhere over the Rainbow" (Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's version - a la "50 First Dates"). Which, like all our Gleeks, made me want to put my head on someone's shoulder...Hm..Finn...
It was so bittersweet (sweet because Glee is coming back, bitter because we have to wait until the Fall!). I am going to miss it SO much. I don't know how I'm going to last until next fall though...
I guess I will just have to "Carry on, carry on...(as if nothing really matters)"