Well hello there, my fellow fab lifers! I know, I promised to post more often but then I went out of town for a family reunion so it was pretty much impossible for me to keep up my posts! However, I'm back now and I just know you are all dying to hear about my fabulous trip! A lot happened so I'm probably going to have post about it in many parts...
So, to start off...I don't know if you all remember that I really, really wanted to go and see BSB
but no one would go with me? I finally convinced my husband to go, but then I realized the concert was the night before we were leaving on our trip and I just had too much to do, what with planning outfits, packing and the general running around that happens before a trip. So we didn't go. BUT...
The next morning we went to the airport. We were just about to check-in and my husband suddenly said "YO! There's a Backstreet Boy!!" I turned and saw...Brian!! I wanted to get a picture, but he was with his family (his wife and kid) and was surrounded by a few more people and what I assume was his bodyguard? Anyways, we checked in and pretty much followed him up the escalator (I didn't realize he was so short). But alas, he went straight to security. It was still too soon for us to go through security so we sat out by the food court. Actually I sat in front of those tv screens that list the arrivals and departures and tried to figure out which possible flight he could be taking. I didn't see the rest of the BSB's, so I figured they left already. Hm...he was checking in @ Air Canada so the only possible flights that he might have been going on was Thompson/Gillam or somewhere up North. He couldn't possibly be going on MY flight could he? I was perplexed as to why he would go in so soon. But I figured I would never see him again so I sat there regretting the fact that I didn't get a pic. Not even a stolen shot. I called my sister-in-law Carol who pretty much berated me for not getting a pic. She said "If you go in through security and he's still there, you BETTER get a picture!!!" and I (because I'm extremely brave when I don't think there's a chance of something happening), agreed.
So...when it was time to go through security, though I had the regret of not taking a pic with Brian of BSB, it pretty much left my mind that the BSB's were even here. So I walked to our gate, and didn't bother looking around. (FYI - I'm kind of a zoner when I walk around, so if you happen to pass me in the mall and think I snubbed you because I walked past you and didn't say hi, don't be offended. I probably didn't see you....or I did and I really did try to ignore you and then pretend I didn't see you...but whatever). Anyhoo, again, my husband (who must have some sort of boy-band radar) called me and said "Yo, you just walked past the rest of the Backstreet Boys!" I was like "AH-WHAT?!" And then I saw them...Nick and AJ (I didn't see Howie, though I might have been looking right at him and didn't know it). They were pretty much sitting right in the front - waiting for their plane. Scanning the rest of the crowd I saw Brian too. He wasn't sitting with the rest of them. At this point, I had walked in front of them twice now. So then I felt too shy to go up and talk to them and ask them for a picture...UGH. Why? you may ask - well, first, Nick was wearing his earphones (not earbuds, but those gigantor ear phones that look like high-tech earmuffs) and had his laptop out. He didn't really look like he wanted to be bothered. Then AJ was full out, hoodie on, trying to be like "I hope no fans recognize me". I had no idea where Howie was and Brian was again with his family...
We were pretty much sitting just on the other side of the pillar from them, but no one was going up to them (or even seemed to recognize them). And I, trying to look like the "I'm not really impressed by your fame" type of fan, sat there, having an internal debate with myself (and an external debate with my sister) about going up to ask for a picture. Finally, their flight was called for boarding. I said to my sister "This is our chance! Let's go!" But then, some other girl, who probably was having the same debate, but decided a split second earlier than me, went up to AJ. She got a picture with him and we thought it would be our chance...but then this girl asked AJ to say something on camera while she videotaped it. And right after that, he started to board his plane.

My husband was able to take a quick stolen shot of Nick. But it was just too late. We weren't able to get any pics with the BSB's. So sad! I lamented over the missed opportunity all the way to Edmonton. UGH. That was my chance. It wasn't very fabulous of me to let it go. I still can't even believe I didn't do it! I always do it! But for some reason I didn't. And now I will regret it forever. BOO.
Epilogue: Perhaps all is not lost! One of my BFF's told me the BSB's and NKOTB are joining forces for an upcoming tour...AH-WHAT?! I have another chance!?!! If that is true, I'm SO going to book a trip the day after their concert, just so I can see them at the airport again. That, or just go to their concert. Whichever.