Thursday, July 15, 2010

Who is the Saboteur??

So summer is upon us and so is Big Brother! And I, of course, will now be glued to my TV 3x a week until September! This year their big twist is the presence of a "saboteur". (I think they just like saying "saboteur"). This person's goal is to sabotage everyone else's game. Technically they only have to try and stay for 5 weeks, then they're guaranteed $50,000. Okay...interesting concept. However, what if the saboteur sucks and gets voted out right away? Does someone else become the saboteur? Or does the game continue like it normally does with all the usual drama, alliances, back-stabbing and showmances? I guess so. Anyways, so I am just dying to know who the saboteur is! We get to find out tonight, but let me tell you my thoughts...

Brendon - The hot swim teacher/"physicist". I was discussing this with my friend Cathy. She thought it might possibly be him due to the fact that during the wiener game, he had this bright idea of putting his shirt through the top so the girls could hang on to it. But when it was his turn, he basically dropped his shirt and hung on for dear life. He kept saying "bring me back! bring me back!" But, technically, he could've just "fell" off the wiener to start And what was that nonsense about him going to get his toothbrush and toothpaste...when it was pitch black and NO one could see anything? Really buddy? Well, if he's the saboteur, that move is just TOO obvious.

Andrew - The awkward Jewish podiatrist. He raised everyone's suspicions early on with the volunteering to NOT to compete for the HOH position, and consequently being safe from eviction for the week. Then during the black out, he pulled some dumb-ass prank of throwing pillows at people on the couch then "laying down and pretending to sleep" behind the couch when the lights came on. Strange. Then at last night's show he was the first one again to get up and say "I'm not anyone's friend, therefore I can't be lying" (this, after the saboteur came on the screen and stated that 2 people in the house were actually lifelong friends). But he too, seems too obvious to be the saboteur. He can't be safe every week, and with the way he is acting, someone will be getting rid of him sooner than later.

Enzo - The trying to be stereotypical "Jersey boy" aka "Meow meow". Seriously? This guy thinks he's on the Sopranos or something. But maybe he's the saboteur? Naw. He's trying too hard to be a "mastermind".

Kathy - The "I'm a cop, but I'm so weak because my eyelashes take so long to put on every morning" token "older" houseguest. She has performed poorly on two challenges so far. The first, she kept slipping off that wiener like she was all lubed up. I mean, I get it, it's slippery but COME ON. Did you not go through basic training? What kind of a cop are you? She just kept jumping on it and not even trying to stay on. Then on the 2nd competetion, where she was going through the caramel, she was almost there, but then she just lay there and didn't even try to crawl out of it. I mean, I get it, it was thick and gooey, but COME ON. Seriously? Then she was all up in there saying "I bet you it's a girl. And its someone everyone likes". Is she tooting her own horn or something? I dunno. Perhaps its her.

Lane - The "I'm just a rhinestone cowboy and I don't know what "brigade" means" guy. Is he really that dumb or is he the saboteur? Did you notice how he is just always around...listening?

Ragan - The token, flamboyant gay guy who is also a Professor of Communications. I like him. He makes me laugh. I hope he's not the saboteur. Or I do, and I hope he wins (or at least makes it to 5 weeks).

Kristen - The "I'm so hot, because I have crazy eyes" model girl - hmm...haven't heard much from her lately. Smart, I guess, staying out of the drama and limelight? Saboteur material? Possibly, possibly.

Monet - (I'm rolling my eyes. Lol, like Rachel did when she chose her name for the Veto comp). The "I'm a shallow, princess-y shopaholic girl who doesn't like ugly people". Hm...not sure yet. I don't hate her, but I don't really like her either. I'm irritated with the way her chin/jaw juts out when she's "thinking". She hasn't done anything really to make me think she is or she isn't. She did however, win $10,000 already, which may make someone want to sabotage her?

Matt - The "I'm a certified genius, but I'm off-playing that with the fact that I have tattoos" guy. Hm...interesting that Enzo called him "Brains" right away. Perhaps they are the life-long friends? He's a member of Mensa, but does that make him an authority on the game? Doubtful. Plus, wouldn't that be obvious of Big Bro to make a genius the saboteur?

Britney - The "I'm a young naive small town girl who knows that the best friend to have is the gay guy". Hm. She may play like she's the small town girl, but she seems to be pretty worldly to me. Smart move, telling Annie that those guys were gonna back door her (or at least put her up on the block). If Annie thinks about it, Britney also exposed a bit of the "brigade alliance" and also kinda undermined Hayden. You could say she "sabotaged" him. Interesting...

Hayden - The "Dude, where's my surfboard?" guy. Perhaps he's in Mensa with Matt and they're lifelong friends? The theme this year seems to be, I'm playing dumb, but I'm really smart. (see: Ragan, Brendon, Rachel, Matt, Andrew...). He might be a good saboteur. He's a strong competitor. People seem to like him (well except for Brendon) and he's already in an alliance.

Rachel - The Las Vegas showgirl/stripper/chemist. That laugh is going to kill her chances for longevity in the house...but maybe that's her master plan. Annoy everyone and steal the hottest guy in the house. Perhaps her brains are as big as her boobs?

Annie - The "I'm keeping the fact that I have a girlfriend a secret, as it will help my game in the house"girl. I don't know how that will help her but I guess we will have to see what her game plan is. That is, if she doesn't get booted out tonight! I'm undecided about her. She seems to have some good lines in the diary room (which I always enjoy), but I don't know yet if she could be the saboteur. It doesn't seem like it. Which may mean the exact opposite.

So I still really don't know who it could be. I wish I could have a strong opinion as to who it could be, but obvi, any of these people could the saboteur. I'm so glad we find out who it is tonight! But for now, I'm gonna make a guess and say...Kristen. We will see whether I'm right!

PS. In addition to it being the "twist" this season, it is also a great drinking game! Just look how many times I said "saboteur" during this post! If you drink every time Julie Chen, the announcer or one of the house guests says it, I'm sure you'll be wasted by the end of the hour. Happy watching!

1 comment:

  1. So after watching Wednesday's show, I guessed the saboteur was Annie! So what do I win....NOTHING!

    But do you think there are 2 people who know each other or did Annie play a joke? I think Kathy & Britney are mother/daughter. Brit's got a bit of an accent and notice how those two never hang out together?

    Even with the saboteur gone (I don't know why they're going to tell the HG's, why not pick a new one & keep the fun going) I'm looking forward to Sunday's show. Watch out Hayden...Rachel's gonna get ya!
