So my sister called me this morning and told me that today is 90210! That's pretty cool. (For anyone slow on the uptake...Sept 2, 2010. Thanks). Anyways, she suggested I blog about about how this was pretty much the coolest show on tv back then, what with the drama of Brenda and Dylan, Kelly and Dylan, Kelly and Brandon, Donna and David, Andrea and Brandon, Valerie and Brandon, Dylan AND David, etc. I was SO in love with Dylan. So James Dean, "rebel without a cause" cool, with his white t-shirts and jeans and bouffant hair. (Pretty much the original "Edward" hair - no?) He was a skinny dude, but (sigh) when he took off his motorcycle helmet, and cracked that smirk with his scarred eyebrow, WOW. Brandon was cute but he was too goody-goodyish. Brenda was just kind of annoying to me. Kelly was cool, but she had a lot of problems, didn't she? I guess my fave couple was David and Donna and their whole drama of should we do it, should we wait, etc...(until of course, David did DO it with Ariel in the car and Donna caught them or something and oh no! her world was shattered). Steve was a goof but pretty funny and Andrea of course, was the requisite nerd. (Though she was the first one to get preggers! Slut! haha, just kidding). My favorite episode (or actually, the episode I remember the most) is the one where Color Me Badd is there for a concert and they all go to the hotel to try and see them, but Donna sees that her mom is a bit of cheats on her dad and oh no, Donna's world is shattered!! Speaking of parents - weren't the Walshes just THE best parents ever? Teaching you life lessons but still maintaining the niceness if you got in trubs. I just got into a bbm conversation about Steve and Brandon's habit of doing the "2-eyebrow" comb with their fingers. There is just nothing cooler than that. And talk about influence? Finn just did that on an episode of Glee. Thank you very much.
Anyways, so let's discuss 90210 fashion. I mean, who hasn't been influenced by the oversize blazer and tight black dresses that our favorite heroines wore? In fact, that was my criteria for parties in those days: tight, short black dress with black tights, pointy flats and big hoops. I never had a bod like Miss Donna Martin, but with the right oversize blazer, yeah, I was SO "I'm hangin out at the Peach Pit". What about short, floral print dresses worn with leggings, or long ones worn with jean jackets (obviously worn with hiking boots or the like). The fashion only got better as the years rolled on and they went to college and Kelly & Donna opened their own boutique (Brenda long since forgotten as she "moved to Paris") and Donna became a fashion designer and had her own runway show. Such is life as a princess of Beverly Hills. Everyone was just effortlessly cool then. Even Andrea with her "specs" and her "we need to write this article for the paper!!" outfits of rolled up pants with suspenders and folded sleeve t-shirts. Oh, the 90's. Nothing compares to you...until of course the 2000's which brought us the O.C. (But that's a whole 'nother post on its own. Another day my fab friends.)
So for all you ORIGINAL 90210 fans, here's a little something to celebrate today. I'm gonna go dust off my jean jacket and look for a floral print dress. takes awhile to load. but be patient. It's totally worth it. Watch it again.
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