Well hello there my fab-lifers!! I apologize for my deliquency in posting - I looked at my December posts and they were very sparse indeed. However, I'm sure you were all just as busy as I was during these past few weeks. I even forgot to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas!
Anyways, I trust you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday filled with cookies, turkeys, presents and good times with family and friends. Can you believe we are only a day away from a brand new year?! I can't believe how fast time flies...
This is the time I usually take to think about the year that has past and the coming one and what my goals and wishes are for the new year. I don't believe so much in making New Year's resolutions - only because in my past experience they're good for about a week or two, and then are quickly forgotten. Therefore, to combat that, I'm going to make my resolutions BEFORE the new year. You know, get a head start on it and all.
So this year, I've resolved to: save money, lose weight and stay in touch with old friends. (Then again, these are resolutions I make for myself monthly, if not weekly!) But seriously...
1) Saving money - Well, who doesn't want to save money? I suppose if you call saving 30-50% on stuff that's on sale/clearance "saving money" then I'm pretty much there! In fact, I figure if I only ever buy stuff on sale, then that's pretty much like saving money all year! I'll have my husband drive me around to different stores if it will save me a quarter (though he does like to complain about the gas it takes to get me to the place that's supposedly saving me the money. Whatevs. Gas, shmas). As for actually putting away money I guess I could try that too...
2) Losing weight - Well, this is pretty much a constant struggle. I hate the thought of myself in a bathing suit, but I also hate the thought of going to the gym. And I really hate the thought of missing out on creme brulee (I love me some creme brulee!) Then I get all "what's wrong with being a "big skinned girl" anyways? ( "You mean big-boned"? "No! Her bones the same, skin's BIG!" haha!) then I get all mad at myself for being all "what's wrong with being a big skinned girl" because there is something wrong with being a big skinned girl (if you don't like how you look in a bathing suit!) then I get all "Well why does society think it's so great to be smalled skinned anyways?!" Then it turns into an existential crisis and then I go out and drown my sorrows in....creme brulee. But this year...FOR SURE. I'm gonna go to the gym. I mean, I've been paying for the membership. I might as well go. Maybe I'll reward myself for going...with some creme brules. Just kidding.
3) Staying in touch with old friends - I'm absolutely terrible at this. I mean, I know there's facebook and all that, but first of all - I'm not on facebook (Too stressful for me - when I was on it, I was constantly like "Do I want to have them as my friend? Why aren't they my friends? What's taking so long for them to accept me as a friend? Why are they your friend and not my friend?" It seriously got to be exhausting. So I took myself off it.) Minus facebook, it's a little bit harder to keep in touch. Oh, yeah there's cell phones and home phones and work phones, but really - after high school, I can't stand being on the phone for more than 10 minutes, if that. (Remember high school, when your whole life was on the phone? Everything happened on the phone.) There's also of course, email - which is okay, as long as you have everyone's updated email addresses! I don't mind emailing...in fact, I could make plans to meet up with my old friends for some coffee and creme brules, but then that wouldn't save me money at all (nor would it help with my "big-skinnedness").
See? Good thing I made these resolutions now. I don't feel so bad about breaking them, it's the end of the year after all. There's always next year!
Happy New Year friends!
PS. If you read my blog - why not become a follower? I'd be happy to have you as a friend! If not, then maybe you can tell 2 friends, and they'll tell 2 friends and pretty soon, I can have an international following. I promise I won't forget you when I become famous. See you next year :)
Happy New Year friends!
PS. If you read my blog - why not become a follower? I'd be happy to have you as a friend! If not, then maybe you can tell 2 friends, and they'll tell 2 friends and pretty soon, I can have an international following. I promise I won't forget you when I become famous. See you next year :)