Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Don't worry, I got a gift card ;)

Gift Cards. I love gift cards. It’s like pretty much spending other people’s money. In fact, it’s free money! Gift cards make you feel empowered to spend money. The other day I was able to buy a $75.00 sweater for $18.00 (thanks to 40% off discount and a $25.00 gift card!) That’s a good deal.

However, sometimes it’s not such a good deal.

When would having a gift card not be a good deal? When you forget how much your gift card actually is…I mean, not literally forget, but you start to think 50.00 is a lot…which in certain cases it is, but not when you’re ordering Moxie-sized bellinis 2 at a time! Allow me to explain.

One day my husband and I decided to go out for dinner. Since we had a gift card for $50.00 we figured we’d go out to Moxie’s for a nice dinner. Nothing fancy, mind you – we figured a burger and some chicken fingers would be perfect.

When we got to the restaurant, there was quite a wait, but we weren’t in a rush anyways. We happened to arrive at the same time as a couple of our friends, who were also out for “date night”. As we waited for our respective tables, we got to talking. Then we figured, well why don’t we just all get one table? My husband and I certainly didn’t need to have “privacy” (hello, we’re married now! LOL) and the other couple decided it would be fun to have a double date as well! So we quickly told the hostess that we wanted to sit together, which I guess made it much easier for them because we got a table that much faster! So once we settled in to our booth and looked at the menu, we were in good spirits. When the server came to our table to tell us that the drink feature for that evening was “Moxie-sized” drinks on special we were all over it. We had a gift card after all…And to make it even better, the couple we were with (let’s call them Rex & Char) ALSO had a $50.00 gift card! So, us girls had Moxie-sized Bellinis, while the guys had Moxie-sized Mojitos. From that time on it was like we were high rollers. Holding up 2 fingers every time the server came by to signal more drinks. We were feeling good (read: tipsy) And when the server came to tell us about their dinner features, we all decided to have steak dinners with all the fixins! (On account of being high rollers LOL.) I can’t remember if we had a dessert…but hey if we did, it was all good – we totally had gift cards!

When the bill came we were pleasantly surprised to see the bill was just over $100.00! We were like Yes! We can put our gc’s together, add whatever else and just pay for the tip! We couldn’t believe how lucky we were and congratulated each other on the fortuitousness of having gift cards…that is until my husband dropped the bill and another one fell out from behind it….a duplicate bill (or so we thought). Upon closer inspection, we saw that it was 2 separate bills, the same amount (because we all ordered the same thing) for each couple. Oh.

So yeah, both couples ended up spending more than double what our gc’s were. But it was actually kind of hilarious. We were pretty much in hysterics from laughing so hard! (Haha!) And in the end it was actually a small price to pay for such a fun night out!

Anyways, the moral of the story is, gift cards are awesome, but those Moxie-sized drinks will get ya in the end. Make sure you bring extra money.

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