Ugh. I’m sick. I absolutely DESPISE being sick.
I seriously thought that I was getting better, but apparently not.
Case in point:
Last night I woke up three times to hack my lungs out. The first time was at 1:37 am, the next time at 3:39 am and the next time at 3:47am. I tried to go back to sleep after that, but alas, my coughing would not subside. The first time I woke up, my husband was sleepily sympathetic. He was all “Are you okay? Why don’t you drink some water”. The next time it was slightly more irritated, but under the guise of “caring” – “Did you not drink your medicine? Go drink some medicine”. Ten minutes later, it was “Are you SERIOUSLY coughing for the hell of it?” (Mind you, he was probably still irritated because the Lakers lost (again) and was already having a restless sleep.) Finally, I decided to give him some peace and went downstairs to try and sleep sitting up on the couch. It was slightly better and I felt like I could cough as much as I needed to.
But ugh, I absolutely hate coughing. I don’t know what’s worse – a cough or a cold. I mean, at least with a cough, you can still attempt to look normal. In fact, someone commented this week, that I didn't look sick. Indeed, my outfits have been exceptionally good this week, if I do say so myself. But it's probably because I’m trying to overcompensate for all the hacking and horking I’ve been doing. Not very fashionable.
A cold on the other hand…you look like crap. Your nose is all red and dry from all the sneezing, nose blowing, your eyes are all watery, and your hair looks like shit. It's like it knows you have a cold and is not going to bother cooperating. It’s just not a good sight.
Although, the sore throat and phlegm that comes with the cough are also pretty awful. And I’m pretty sure the horking noises of trying to get said phlegm out of your throat is not the sexiest sound in the world. Though, speaking of sexy, I have to say, that probably the only good thing about a cough is how great your voice sounds when you’re starting to lose it. Seriously. I’ve been singing “Drowning” at the top of my lungs on repeat, daily because my voice sounds so awesome. It’s a mix of raspy, sultry, and soulful and I’m surprised no one has yet offered me a record deal.
Anyways, I’m just glad I don’t have a fever (knock on wood!). I hate having that even more than the cough and cold. The aches and pains you get, the nausea, the stomach aches, the headaches. Yeah, it’s the absolute worst. Calling in sick is not even worth it if you’re this sick. I don’t even have the strength to lift the remote up to change the channel, nevermind turn on the tv. Then I lay in my bed, whining about how I HATE being sick. The only good thing is that I can usually predict when this is going to happen.
How is that possible, you ask?
Well, ever since I was a young girl I knew the moment that I would get a fever.
You see, the night before I would get the dreaded fever, I'd have this dream. It would just randomly come up as I slept soundly… I dream that I’m falling backwards off a cliff. And while I’m falling, there’s this voice that kind of melodically whispers… “Perhaps”.
And boom, the next morning, Fever! I’m not even kidding you. It’s so true. Every single time.
So yeah. I guess it’s a good thing I kept waking up last night. Perhaps.
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