Thursday, June 9, 2011

"What about Prom Blaine?!" CLASSIC.

Last night "Pretty in Pink" was on TV. And as always, I got sucked into watching it. I have probably seen this movie hundreds of times. Everytime I happen to catch it though, I get mesmerized and can't seem to change the channel. It's like this for certain movies for me namely: You've Got Mail ("I was in....Van..cou...ver"), Sleepless in Seattle ("Harses, harses"), Selena (Selenas!), A Walk To Remember ("Are you seducible?") and The Core ("Your kung-fu is not strong") and lately The Hangover (there are too many good lines, that I can't even just pick one!) Then, at Christmas - Sound of Music, at Easter - The Ten Commandments and whenever a network decides it needs to fill 4 hours - Titanic.

When these movies are on, no matter what, even if there is something else to watch - even something new, I'm watching them. I don't know why. I own all of these movies on DVD (yet, I don't think I've ever watched any of them on DVD). My husband is always "Uh, hello, you have this movie, why don't you watch it so you don't have to see commercials?!" I know, right? I mean, the commercials are numerous and even interrupt the crucial scenes! But it doesn't matter. I'll even get upset if my husband tries to change the channel during one of these movies. It's like I'm always in suspense of what's going to happen next (even though I can recite the dialogue word for word). I've watched these movies so many times that even if my husband happens to be channel surfing and I'm in another room and happen to hear in passing just a part of the movie, I will either make him turn it back to that channel or run upstairs and watch it in the other room. Is that weird?

Anyways...back to Pretty in Pink. While I've seen the movie many times, I didn't always pay attention to the details. This time though I noticed things that I hadn't really noticed before. Like how even though Blaine was so rich, he always seemed to be wearing the same thing. Or how many times Andi says "I don't know, y'know?" Or that her mom's picture is hella old. Black and white? How old was her mom anyways? Also, I guess last night's version seemed to be director's cut or something because I don't ever remember swearing and there seemed to be a lot of it last night.

Also I wondered how Ducky (who was so quirkly cool) became nerdy Alan on Two & a Half Men. When this movie first came out and she does the scene where she designs her prom dress and draws it on her big pad of paper I was always like "Wow. She's so cool" and I'd be so jaleux. But now watching it, instead of thinking her prom dress was awesome, I've realized it's actually quite ugly. It has no shape whatsoever and does nothing at all for her figure. It's a weird length and it looks huge! It would have been better if she either just used the dress her dad bought for her or wore Iona's prom dress! Plus her shoes are kind of "matronly". And I also noticed she was wearing pink pantyhose. What?! And she seems to walk sideways when she comes in for prom. Why does she do that?

However, there are the signature lines of this movie that I love, like when she says "What about prom Blaine?! What about prom?" or when Ducky says "Do I offend?!" or "Let's plow." 
However, my absolute favorite scene is when she's sitting outside on the steps and he braves coming outside on her "turf" where the weirdos and freaks hang out (though she looks decidely normal compared to them) and he asks her out and she takes her sunglasses off her head and puts them on and places them low on her nose. I thought that was the coolest scene ever and to this day, I channel that look/attitude when I pull my sunglasses off my head and put them on! Totally.
And in the end, who doesn't wanna be in love when the guy comes up to you at prom, and says he always believed in you...then mumbles "iloveyou". Aww...

1 comment:

  1. I was just about to email you saying that everyday I click on your blog, and everyday - nothing.

    I totally agree with the prom dress. I saw her sketching it out and was like 'wth' and then when I saw her wearing it thought ' wtf'. I should've made her dress for her.

    Fav Ducky line: "Don't drink and drive. That's why I ride a bike."
