Friday, February 11, 2011

A Totally Fab YEAR.

Happy 1 Year Anniversary my Fab Lifers!

Yup, one year ago today I decided the world needed to read about my totally fab life (and apparently my thoughts on Glee! :)). And it all started with a pair of dream boots. Since then I think I’ve found another 7 pairs of dream boots, but hey! Life is always a journey and you’re gonna need some fashionable footwear to walk it! My second post I believe was about lists. I’m all about lists and as such I’ve decided to give you a list to celebrate my first year as a "blogger". LOL. So here it is:

The Top 10 Way to Have a Totally Fab Life

10. If it’s on sale and its in your size, BUY IT. Don’t even think about it. Just buy it. (Especially if it’s 50% off or more. You better already be at the counter paying for it. Or else.)

9. If you don’t buy it right away and it’s still there waiting for you the next time you go back, you were meant to be together.

8. It’s okay to be shallow (if you’re secretly a genius).

7. If you go to a restaurant and your food looks good, take a picture of it! It makes others jealous. (hee hee)

6. If you make a fool of yourself, tell your friends. It’s makes it THAT much funnier! (What’s the use of falling at Walmart if you can’t tell your friends how stupid you looked?)

5. Make a list – it can totally organize your thoughts and your life. (And make you a tiny bit obsessed with crossing things off of it.)

4. Wear comfortable shoes!! Trust me, you are not going to look fab if your face is contorted in pain. (It may even help you get a job).

3. Avoid food courts if you are bad at decision making. (Aaahhhh! Too. Many. Choices!!!)

2. Have some fear of hotel authority – they’re the ones that decide if your view is a brick wall.

1. Always, always, insist upon yourself.

 Thanks to all you guys (“followers” of my blog) for reading my silly posts. Also, a big shout out to ALL of my international followers too (What up, Denmark!) I hope I make you chuckle at least once in awhile (or at least keep you up to date on how I felt about the latest episode of Glee). Also, can you guys please comment once in a while? It validates me : )

One more thing: if you are a celebrity (preferably A-list, but I’ll take B, C and even D-list. No wait, not D-list) and you read this, I am still looking for celebrity endorsement. Thanks.


  1. I'm here to validate haha.

    Congrats on your one year anniversary. I still remember when we had a sit-down, and you said "I think I'm gonna start a blog".

    Every time I go to the mall (which is almost everyday, since that's where I catch my bus home), I think of you.

    Especially when I pass Holts, Tiff & Co, Burberry, and of course, Louis.

    I MISS YOU!!!

  2. Aw Charz! I miss you too - in fact, I was totally thinking of you today too! I checked Beauregard Jones to see what was up. Did you get the iphone or berry?
