Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's the chicken's feet!

So I was reading past posts and I noticed that I like to say "It's SO good. It's AWESOME. I love, love, LOVE it!" a lot. Not being content with such redundancy, I decided to embark on a "new expression" journey - ie. different ways to express my appreciation or love for something rather than the usual "That's cool" throwback line I always use.

So, I thought I'd try out "It's the Bees Knees!".

You may be wondering why I thought of this one. Well, as you know, Academy Awards season has just passed. And as you all probably know, Natalie Portman won the Best Actress Oscar for "Black Swan" (which I still have to see, btw. I hear it's slightly "disturbing") Anyways, being the darling of the awards show circuit, she was always being interviewed. I happened to catch one of her interviews where she said that someone (I think it was the director) was the "bee's knees". For some reason, I couldn't get this expression out of my head. This morning I decided to google it (as I like to do sometimes) so I could find out the origin of this interesting phrase. Apparently there are a number of definitions and origins in the Urban Dictionary, but this is the one I like the best:

The Bee's Knees: The absolute best. From the English phrase the "B's 'n E's" meaning the "be all end all."

Love it!! (oops) It's AWESOME! (oops!)

Anyhoo, this got me curious about other expressions:
There's "the cat's pajamas" which also has a whole bunch of meanings but basically means "the best". Similarly, "the cat's whiskers" and the "cat's meow" (what's with all the cat references? This leads me to believe, someone who loved their cat, made all of these up.) There's also "the dog's bollocks" which I assume was made up to pacify all those dog owners who didn't care for all the cat expressions.

Then there were the expressions that didn't catch on:
"the eel's ankle" (because really, eels don't even have feet)
"the elephant's instep" (which probably took too long to say and to think about)
and "the snake's hip" (like is the snake hip? or do they mean the snake's actual hip?)
So. After all this time-wasting research I've decided that even though I enjoy the expression "the bee's knees" and I love, love, LOVE the origin, I'm going to stick to what I know because sometimes saying something is SO good or AWESOME is still totally cool.

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