I think my hair is mad at me.
We normally get along, I mean, of course we have our good and bad days. What relationship doesn't? I may neglect to keep up its color once in awhile and the angry roots will come out, but we both hate “the Greys” so we usually band together and fight the common enemy. I wash it daily (though I’m not supposed to) but I like to keep it happy and clean. I’ll get trims when I see the ends are starting to make like bananas and split…(BAHA HAHA, I know it’s a terrible joke, esp. because you know how I feel about bananas) but for the most part, me and my hair – we’re pals.
However, lately, not so much. I think I can probably blame a lot of it on the weather. We both don’t like it so hot and humid. I’m like “It’s hot” (and not like Paris Hilton “It’s HAWT” either) and my hair responds by doing whatever it wants to do. Which means, curling where and when it wants to and hanging straight and getting frizzy in other places. All at the SAME TIME.
So to combat this, every day I have to decide if I want to curl it or straighten it. Apparently, neither seems to appease my hair… when I curl my hair now, it can’t seem to hold the curl – it begins to unravel even before I leave my house, so that by the time I get to work, the perfect ringlets I took the time to individually curl have become uneven waves, hanging limply around my face.
When I decide to straighten it, most of the hair will listen…except for those naughty strands in the front hiding underneath the right side of my forehead. I call this “The Cowlick gang”. They’re mean. And they’re kind of like gremlins – don’t get them wet because then they start getting curly and not in a good way. This is especially frustrating when I’m trying to have straight hair because that little bit of curl in the corner ruins the whole look. I can feel the Cowlick gang mocking me:“Haha! Try and keep us straight! You can’t do it!! All we need is a little bit of sweat (ahem, excuse me – I don’t sweat, I “glisten”) and your look is DUNZO.” Yeah. A mean bunch of hairs, that Cowlick gang. I’m constantly complaining about them to my hairstylists. But they can’t seem to tame them either. I think the Cowlick gang and the humidity are in cahoots. The rest of my hair wants to listen, but a few of them will start to frizz and be like “We want to be free!” and they get all crazy and start sticking out and standing up. Ugh…and after I spend so much on them to get them all nice and light for the summer too! That's gratitude for ya.
Well, the only good thing is that on special occasion days, like weddings and parties, my hair is usually well-behaved. It pretty much does what I want it to, so I suppose I can’t complain…
Then again…it’s always a crapshoot. Especially with the Cowlick gang always ready to cause trouble.
PS. Speaking of hair – I just watched that Justin Bieber movie “Never Say Never” and don’t laugh…but I’m a total Belieber. Yes. I said it. I’m a true JBiebs fan now. No seriously!You can’t hate on this kid – he’s the real deal. Talented, driven and genuine. I don’t care what anyone says. If you watch this movie, I’m sure you will become a fan too. I’ve just pulled out my JBiebs cd again and can’t stop listening to “Baby”.
Plus, hello, his fave color is perpel.
I just noticed this, but I'm pretty sure your background says "Christmas" over and over.
It was sooo humid today, and my bedhead responded with volume & waves haha. It was amazing.
i love this post. the cowlick gang? so funny!!!