Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm still here...and now its 2012!

Okay, it’s a new year, and I’m not even gonna pretend that I’m going to write in here more often, because honestly it’s a crap shoot. It’s like I don’t have time anymore for some reason (there's not really a reason)! I’m off doing who knows what and by the time I get home, I’m too tired to log on and write. (Plus, it's basketball season and someone is on the computer to check his fantasy league stats like CONSTANTLY. He explains it's because things change by the second. Uh huh. Anyways.) I really want to write, mind you. But wanting to do something and actually doing it are two totally different things. Anyways let me see if I can tie up any loose ends…

My 3 part mini series on Vegas, while fabulous, was a bit ambitious considering Christmas was around the corner and I wasn’t ready for it at all. Anyways, now that Christmas has come and gone (Wow! That went by quickly) I can just quickly tell you that Vegas with my sister was a completely fabulous time and we finally got to go to Tao (did it up right too, with the VIP Bottle Service and all that jazz ) and it was Nelly’s B’day (Nelly of “It’s Hot in Herre” fame). All in all, a great time and that’s that. We hope to do it again…just the girls is seriously GOOD times.

It’s January and my birthday is coming up which I’m excited about because I LOVE to celebrate it! However, I'm not THAT excited because of the age I’m having to celebrate. I’m not even gonna tell you because then you’ll be all “YOU ARE THAT OLD? Why the hell are you still talking about stuff like this then?” And then I’m just gonna feel all crappy and dumb. So let’s just go with “It’s my Birthday bitches” and celebrate me!!

My never-ending wishlist has gotten a little bit shorter in my old age…less stuff (well more expensive) but still less…I’m becoming more about quality than quantity…although quantity is still always good. Hmm...I may add some stuff again.

I had my annual visit with Patricia, the personal shopper in December to pick out my Christmas gift from Holt, which is ALWAYS good times (and thank you so much to my bosses who make it all possible – I hope to work for and with them forEVER). I love the experience though I always protest that it’s too much and too indulgent! But I do sincerely appreciate it and I absolutely love spending time looking at all the pretty things... My bosses are pretty fricken awesome. This year I got a beautiful f** scarf…(I’m not swearing, but please do not throw paint on me and exclaim “murder!”) and it’s the softest thing I’ve ever had against my skin. Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.
Anyways…don’t we look so very “Moscow circa 1970, Dr. Zhivago-esque?”

So I suppose I should say some sage words of wisdom for the beginning of the year like how I hope this year I will grow as a person and continue to learn and wonder about new things, and learn how to control my money better and not procrastinate as much and write in here more, etc, etc…but we all know I don’t really have any sage words of wisdom...except what I always say: If it's on sale and it’s your size - buy it!

K. That’s it for now – ttyl Fab Lifers!! (If you really knew how old I was going to be this month you’d say “As if she’s still saying ttyl.") Whatevs. (Oh, yeah,  you’d say "As if" to me saying that too. ) Redunk. Aarrrggh. Blame it on the OC and Laguna Beach. It’s in my vocab forever.

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