Friday, July 30, 2010

An update on my shopping love life...

So. Do you guys remember when I talked about this jacket that I absolutely fell in love with and it was perfect in every way but the price? It was a wonderful black swing coat with short sleeves and pearl buttons, but it was unfortunately $495.00. Well guess what, my totally fab lifers??! I got it! It was on ridiculous sale! I pretty much got it for 70% off. That is CRAZY. I am SO in love with it! I swear, I'm pretty sure it's going to change my life. Ah, love...
Pink Tartan Designer, Kim Newport-Mimran, wearing her jacket! Doesn't it look lovely?!
On the runway (photos courtesy of
Definitely life-changing.

Iron Chef Battle: Chicken Breast

So last night I was inspired to "Iron Chef it up". I knew we were going to buy some chicken breasts so I started to think about what I could make. My husband thought I should just do them George Foreman style, but I decided I wanted to be more creative. So I checked out what we had in the, we had the ingredients I needed so, I googled some recipes. However, I am not really one to follow actual recipes (probably why my dishes are always a crap shoot!). I quickly looked at the recipes whose pictures looked good and chose the picture I liked the best. Then I went about preparing the chicken. I didn't have a poultry mallet, so I wrapped a hammer in plastic and saran wrap and pounded out the chicken. When it was nice and flat, I salted and peppered it and put it to the side. Then, I chopped the onions and garlic, washed and drained the spinach and sauteed the mixture. Once the spinach was wilted and the onions caramelized, I mixed in some feta cheese. I wrapped it up in the chicken breast and secured it with a bamboo skewer. Then I seared it on both sides and was excited that it was actually starting to look like the picture in the recipe! After I did this with each piece, I put them on a baking sheet and topped it with tin foil and stuck it in the oven to bake it through. After about 45 minutes I took it out and walah!

 Feta, Spinach and Onion stuffed Chicken Breast!!

Next came tasting was delicioso!!! The chicken was moist and juicy! Yay! (I think the picture doesn't do it justice). time you come over, I will make this for you...mmmm!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


One part dream booties, One part unlucky, 2 parts alcohol...

Some days you just need a cocktail. Last Friday I totally needed one. Allow me to explain...

So, on Thursday evening I was at the mall and these shoes that I've wanted forever were on sale! I'm going to call them the "Peter Pan shoe booties" (PPsb for short).

 I know I never ever talked about these boots before, but when I first saw them, they were $110.00. I liked them, but not for THAT much. I figured, I would buy them once they went on sale. Well, then of course I forgot about them.  I would see them once in awhile but they were always regular price so I pushed them to the back of my mind. Well last Thursday, the PPsb's were on sale! They were pretty much half price! Unfortunately, I was getting picked up right away and we were meeting my family for dinner, so I didn't have a chance to pick them up. But I figured, I would just come back the next day. I didn't even think to put them on hold. (So unlike me!) But I was in a hurry so I blew them a kiss and promised to return the next day. Well. You know where this is going. When I came back for them, they were gone. I circled the store, back and forth, but they were definitely gone. And instinctively I knew they were probably the last pair, and probably my size. I asked the girl anyways, who searched the back and even looked through the receipts for that day. She said they were sold that morning. And they were my size. Despair. I cannot believe I let the PPsb's slip through my fingers! Truthfully I had no one to blame but myself. But I had to blame someone. So I blamed my husband.

However, it was my husband's "Day of Lucky".

What does that mean you ask? Well it is the EXACT opposite of what my day was. Every store I went to, they either didn't have my size, or they "just sold the last one!". But my husband, as much as I was getting rejected from every purchase I wanted to make, was getting a deal on every purchase he was able to make! He found deals on everything from sweats, to shirts, to his "dream jacket"! It was getting ridiculous already. I was so depressed! However, I did manage to get some "consolation booties", a "consolation sweater" and a "consolation ring" out of all this, so I suppose it wasn't a total bust. However, I would have gladly given these all up just for those PPsb's.

Anyways...I needed a cocktail once we got home and this is what I had:

One part Absolut Mango, one part Mango Malibu, 2 parts Pineapple juice, shaken (not stirred) on the rocks, a splash of Passionfruit soda and walah! Delicioso! The perfect drink to drown my sorrows...I had 2 and promptly fell asleep. (What can I say, I'm a cheap drunk.)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Does this happen to you?

You know when you are in the middle of telling a story and you suddenly realize its not as funny or as relevant as you thought it was, but you are already committed to telling the story so you need to finish it? Yeah. That never happens to me! Haha. No seriously, I hate that! I'll be telling a story that in my head sounded awesome, but as the words are coming out I'm realizing more and more that it only really makes sense in my head and now I sound like an idiot. So I start babbling even more, trying to make the story better, but my mind is telling me "Just shut up already - the story wasn't that good before, but now it's worse" and then you're kind of talking but stop because the voice in your head seems to be louder than your actual voice and you're listening to what it has to say. Meanwhile, the person you are telling the story to thinks you're having some kind of brain fart or aneurysm because you've stopped talking and all they can think is "Wow, this is a dumb story. I wish she would hurry up and finish it already because I'm tired of looking interested and besides, I have a better story that I want to tell. Why the hell did she stop talking? OMG have I been saying this out loud?" So then the person listening to your story has a face because they don't know if they were dissing you out loud, you have a face because you can't remember the rest of your story, you both are trying to figure out if the other person knows what you're thinking and this whole thing could have been avoided if you just kept your mouth shut! Awkward....

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Thrill of the Hunt

So this weekend, I finally bought this bathing suit that I have been visiting for months. And I got it for dirt cheap. (An extra 40% off to boot!). Ah, yes. There is nothing more satisfying than obtaining the object of your desire...on sale.

Well, you know how I am with "visiting" clothes (remember the "Perpel Dress" saga?). I'll go shopping and find something that I love. But since I refuse to pay regular price for it, I put it on my wishlist and begin "monitoring" it. At the time that I see it, try it on and fall in love with it, I will put a price in my head. A price that I believe the item is worth and am willing to pay. This is what I call "The Magic Price". I always say to myself, "I will buy this if it goes down to so and so" or "I will buy this if it has any kind of percentage off" and then proceed to visit the item at least every week until the Magic Price is achieved.

Occasionally, I will find something that I absolutely must have, regular price or not. In those cases, I will still monitor the item even after I've purchased it. I do this for 2 reasons:
 1) If it goes on sale, I might be able to get a price adjustment (Score!) and/or
 2) If it goes on sale, but my size is no longer available, I can congratulate myself on having the forethought to buy it at regular price.

Sometimes, when the object of my affection does go on sale, I will get greedy and say, "Okay, it's on sale, but I think I can wait until it goes on sale more!" Other times, it will go on sale and it will be The Magic Price, but I won't have the funds available until the next payday. This is when I go hard core on the visiting and monitoring. If I can, I will put it on hold (for as long as possible). Or, I'll hide it. Yes, you read correctly. I will HIDE it. (If you've ever been shopping and come across an item that is in totally the wrong place, it's probably because I've hidden it. However, the place I hide it can't be too obvious. Anyways...) The rare time, I will arrive to purchase my obsession and it is nowhere to be found! This is very upsetting. I have been known to circle the area over and over, desperately combing the racks in the hopes that some misguided salesperson only moved it. Alas, I leave disappointed, torturing myself saying "If only I had bought it when I had the chance" and angry at the unknown poacher. Many times, even if I know it's gone, and I happen to pass that area, I will still look for it, just in case it was returned...(wishful thinking)

But usually, when payday comes...I hold my breath, walk into the store, scan my surroundings, quickly and stealthly creep up to where I've hidden my prey and go in for the kill. Most of the time, I'm successful. I leave the store with a sly smirk, proudly carrying my quarry.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Saboteur is revealed

So it was Annie. Well so much for the "Summer of Saboteur". Betcha Julie Chen is not happy about her getting booted so soon. Oh well. I'll still watch it (even though the drinking game will no longer work.)

But um....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Who is the Saboteur??

So summer is upon us and so is Big Brother! And I, of course, will now be glued to my TV 3x a week until September! This year their big twist is the presence of a "saboteur". (I think they just like saying "saboteur"). This person's goal is to sabotage everyone else's game. Technically they only have to try and stay for 5 weeks, then they're guaranteed $50,000. Okay...interesting concept. However, what if the saboteur sucks and gets voted out right away? Does someone else become the saboteur? Or does the game continue like it normally does with all the usual drama, alliances, back-stabbing and showmances? I guess so. Anyways, so I am just dying to know who the saboteur is! We get to find out tonight, but let me tell you my thoughts...

Brendon - The hot swim teacher/"physicist". I was discussing this with my friend Cathy. She thought it might possibly be him due to the fact that during the wiener game, he had this bright idea of putting his shirt through the top so the girls could hang on to it. But when it was his turn, he basically dropped his shirt and hung on for dear life. He kept saying "bring me back! bring me back!" But, technically, he could've just "fell" off the wiener to start And what was that nonsense about him going to get his toothbrush and toothpaste...when it was pitch black and NO one could see anything? Really buddy? Well, if he's the saboteur, that move is just TOO obvious.

Andrew - The awkward Jewish podiatrist. He raised everyone's suspicions early on with the volunteering to NOT to compete for the HOH position, and consequently being safe from eviction for the week. Then during the black out, he pulled some dumb-ass prank of throwing pillows at people on the couch then "laying down and pretending to sleep" behind the couch when the lights came on. Strange. Then at last night's show he was the first one again to get up and say "I'm not anyone's friend, therefore I can't be lying" (this, after the saboteur came on the screen and stated that 2 people in the house were actually lifelong friends). But he too, seems too obvious to be the saboteur. He can't be safe every week, and with the way he is acting, someone will be getting rid of him sooner than later.

Enzo - The trying to be stereotypical "Jersey boy" aka "Meow meow". Seriously? This guy thinks he's on the Sopranos or something. But maybe he's the saboteur? Naw. He's trying too hard to be a "mastermind".

Kathy - The "I'm a cop, but I'm so weak because my eyelashes take so long to put on every morning" token "older" houseguest. She has performed poorly on two challenges so far. The first, she kept slipping off that wiener like she was all lubed up. I mean, I get it, it's slippery but COME ON. Did you not go through basic training? What kind of a cop are you? She just kept jumping on it and not even trying to stay on. Then on the 2nd competetion, where she was going through the caramel, she was almost there, but then she just lay there and didn't even try to crawl out of it. I mean, I get it, it was thick and gooey, but COME ON. Seriously? Then she was all up in there saying "I bet you it's a girl. And its someone everyone likes". Is she tooting her own horn or something? I dunno. Perhaps its her.

Lane - The "I'm just a rhinestone cowboy and I don't know what "brigade" means" guy. Is he really that dumb or is he the saboteur? Did you notice how he is just always around...listening?

Ragan - The token, flamboyant gay guy who is also a Professor of Communications. I like him. He makes me laugh. I hope he's not the saboteur. Or I do, and I hope he wins (or at least makes it to 5 weeks).

Kristen - The "I'm so hot, because I have crazy eyes" model girl - hmm...haven't heard much from her lately. Smart, I guess, staying out of the drama and limelight? Saboteur material? Possibly, possibly.

Monet - (I'm rolling my eyes. Lol, like Rachel did when she chose her name for the Veto comp). The "I'm a shallow, princess-y shopaholic girl who doesn't like ugly people". Hm...not sure yet. I don't hate her, but I don't really like her either. I'm irritated with the way her chin/jaw juts out when she's "thinking". She hasn't done anything really to make me think she is or she isn't. She did however, win $10,000 already, which may make someone want to sabotage her?

Matt - The "I'm a certified genius, but I'm off-playing that with the fact that I have tattoos" guy. Hm...interesting that Enzo called him "Brains" right away. Perhaps they are the life-long friends? He's a member of Mensa, but does that make him an authority on the game? Doubtful. Plus, wouldn't that be obvious of Big Bro to make a genius the saboteur?

Britney - The "I'm a young naive small town girl who knows that the best friend to have is the gay guy". Hm. She may play like she's the small town girl, but she seems to be pretty worldly to me. Smart move, telling Annie that those guys were gonna back door her (or at least put her up on the block). If Annie thinks about it, Britney also exposed a bit of the "brigade alliance" and also kinda undermined Hayden. You could say she "sabotaged" him. Interesting...

Hayden - The "Dude, where's my surfboard?" guy. Perhaps he's in Mensa with Matt and they're lifelong friends? The theme this year seems to be, I'm playing dumb, but I'm really smart. (see: Ragan, Brendon, Rachel, Matt, Andrew...). He might be a good saboteur. He's a strong competitor. People seem to like him (well except for Brendon) and he's already in an alliance.

Rachel - The Las Vegas showgirl/stripper/chemist. That laugh is going to kill her chances for longevity in the house...but maybe that's her master plan. Annoy everyone and steal the hottest guy in the house. Perhaps her brains are as big as her boobs?

Annie - The "I'm keeping the fact that I have a girlfriend a secret, as it will help my game in the house"girl. I don't know how that will help her but I guess we will have to see what her game plan is. That is, if she doesn't get booted out tonight! I'm undecided about her. She seems to have some good lines in the diary room (which I always enjoy), but I don't know yet if she could be the saboteur. It doesn't seem like it. Which may mean the exact opposite.

So I still really don't know who it could be. I wish I could have a strong opinion as to who it could be, but obvi, any of these people could the saboteur. I'm so glad we find out who it is tonight! But for now, I'm gonna make a guess and say...Kristen. We will see whether I'm right!

PS. In addition to it being the "twist" this season, it is also a great drinking game! Just look how many times I said "saboteur" during this post! If you drink every time Julie Chen, the announcer or one of the house guests says it, I'm sure you'll be wasted by the end of the hour. Happy watching!

Monday, July 12, 2010

What I want to be when I grow up...

When are you too old to decide what you want to be when you grow up? At what point have you "grown up"? I still think about what I want to do when I grow up. When I was younger, I changed my mind constantly about what I wanted to do. In elementary school, I wanted to be a judge. A supreme court judge. I don't know why. It sounded cool though. Then, all through junior high and high school I wanted to be a fashion designer. Then I decided I should become a doctor. I would even be all "I'm going into the Faculty of Medicine" when people asked me what I was gonna take in University. It sounded good. Yeah. Then I went to University...and found out that you couldn't just "go into" the Faculty of Medicine. So, I majored in Psychology. One of my courses was "Psychology and the Law". It was pretty fascinating, so I decided that I wanted to do Forensic Psychology. (But that decision only lasted a semester). I eventually graduated with my Bachelor of Arts (which didn't seem to mean anything except that I went to University and graduated. But hey, I graduated!). For awhile I thought I wanted to be a Pastry chef and told everyone that I was going to be a "baker". Then of course during the planning of my wedding (as well as my sister's wedding) I thought "I should really be a wedding planner!" But then changed my mind because I didn't think I was organized enough. I was however, obsessed with wedding stationary, and decided that I would rather be a wedding invitation designer. Yes! This was my career. I was going to be famous! I started with one of my cousin's friends' wedding invites and they were great, but I seriously did not make any money on that. Then I did the invitations for an 18th Birthday Party and had the customer from HELL. That quickly ended my "invitation designer" career. (Though I still love paper and invites). After watching hours and hours of HGTV, I thought that Home Staging would be a great career. And for awhile I also thought that I should become a hairstylist. (I figured I would never be out of a job because there would always be hair. But then I thought of all the standing I would have to do...) I looked into Interior Design, Web Design, and Graphic Design. (pretty much anything that ended with "design") But I still can't decide.

Hmmm... Is it too late for me to become a supreme court judge?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I've got the "Shopping Blues". Yes, I am this shallow.

So when I went to Vegas, I had all these big shopping plans, like it was gonna be a huge shopping spree or something for me. I had my wish list (I was gonna go CRAZY buying shoes and clothes and accessories!) and even though I had a few things here that I wanted to buy, I said to myself "Hey - you're going to Vegas, you can buy even better stuff there!" Plus, I figured, it was only gonna be a week, so if I didn't get EVERYTHING I wanted in Vegas, I could buy my wish list of stuff here when I got back...Not that I would need to. Y'know, Vegas shopping and all.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. We first went to the premium outlets. I ended up getting a shirt for my dad and a silk scarf for my mom. But nothing for me. It didn't help that it was so hot and that this was an outdoor mall! Yeah, they had "misters" spraying out fine mists of water to cool you down...but it was so hot that the mist dissipated before it even reached you! I found myself going into and out of stores just for their AC! Finally, I just gave up and thought...the mall. That's where I'll find something!

Unfortunately....that didn't pan out for me either. I did find some t-shirts for my nephew, but still nothing for me! Not even shoes! It was starting to get depressing. So then I thought...the Forum Shops. I always find something at the Forum Shops!

none of these are mine :(

So...we went to the Forum Shops. Finally, I was able to buy a Burberry make-up bag. Eh. It was okay. It was on sale, so that was good. But I wasn't satisfied...So I ended up buying a "bag charm" at Louis. I was quite happy about it. It was something... but... I didn't even have any new clothes or shoes to wear to work on my first day back! (Granted, I did buy a bunch of stuff before I left, but they were "Vegas Clothes"). So then I thought...when I get home, I will buy the stuff that I couldn't buy before we left! Yes!

Unfortunately, someone in my size went around buying ALL the stuff I thought I would buy when I got back! Great. I will have to start a new wish list. Again. Sigh.  

Sunday, July 4, 2010

And we're back....

Greetings and salutations my totally fab friends! I'm sorry - I've been completely delinquent with my posts
(1 post every 2 weeks = no). So to make it up to you, I've written an extra long one and from this day on, plan to write more frequently...So with that, on to my post-Vegas post!

Wow. Vegas came and went just like that! And as always Vegas delivers! We had an awesome mix of crazy clubbing, extreme relaxation, delicious food, pool side fun, intense heat, cool drinks, shopping (of course) and even a touch of Paris and Nicky Hilton! Yes!!!!

So let me tell you the top 10 highlights from my trip:

1) Aria - First our hotel was GORGEOUS. OMG. It was modern, luxurious and smelled of vanilla...Now all of you know that I have an intense fear of hotel authority. And since my other cousin and his gf (who's room we were going to share) weren't going to be there until the next day, this meant that 6 of us were going to be in a room for the night. Yikes!! Luckily it's Vegas and there are TONS of people walking around. The only stressful moment was walking past the "elevator bouncer". There was always someone (hotel authority) standing at the entrance to the guest elevators asking to see your room keys. Luckily I was one of the "key holders", which made me less stressed. The room itself was SO beautiful!! And even though it wasn't a view of the strip, it was still a great view. We will definitely will be staying here the next time we come...

2) Croque Monsieur - I don't know if you guys know the reason I actually started this blog? It was because I was in search of a croque monsieur and I found a blog of a guy who decided to make his own at home. After reading it, I forgot about my search for the croque monsieur and ended up starting my own blog! However, I am ALWAYS on the search for a croque monsieur. You may be wondering what exactly that is?? Well it's basically a glorified (and rightly so) ham and cheese sandwich that is broiled with mornay sauce (a creamy cheese sauce) so it's all nice and bubbly on top. It's totally decadent and SO good. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. And this hotel had it at their patisserie. Yes. A patisserie. SOLD. I had it for breakfast every other morning.

3) Food - While I'm on the subject of food, let's talk about the 2 buffets we visited. Rio (as always) and Aria (wowza!). We went to Rio after shopping all morning at the Premium Outlets. It wasn't crazy busy which we were happy about but then realized that we were there too soon! The crab legs were not out yet (since it wasn't "dinner" until 3:30) and the crab legs are THE major reason we go. We looked at the time - we basically had an hour and a half until they were gonna come out. So we tried to eat S-L-O-W. Unfortunately, being hungry and eating slow doesn't really work. We finished eating with about 40 minutes to go until the crabs came out. Our server even finished her shift and another one started. I was starting to get worried about the buffet authorities, I was sure they were going to kick us out!!! And then...drink specials!!! Everyone went up for a drink which gave everyone a second wind and gave us the extra time we needed to wait out the crab legs...Ah crab legs. They were sweet and succulent and completely worth the wait : )
The Aria buffet was...heaven. There were so many different choices (obvi, it's a buffet) but the sushi was huge and fresh, their crab legs were already split, and they had creme brules. And it wasn't ridiculously priced. It's my new fave buffet.

4) Girls Nite Out - If you have not experienced a girls night out in Vegas, you are completely missing out!! This time we were on a guest list at Lavo - which is at the Palazzo. We hadn't eaten yet, so we decided to have a snack at the Lavo restaurant first. Our waitress was a complete bitch. Seriously. She looked like a cheap version of Tila Tequila. (I personally think she was intimidated by 4 hot asian chicks). But we did not let that ruin our night. Once we finished our food, we went upstairs to the club. It was full of...girls. LOL. Girls night out!! We had free drinks from 10:00 - 11:00 which we took full advantage of. The music was bumpin and soon, it wasn't an all girls bar! (wink) We were having so much fun so we decided to leave...and go to another club.

We made our way to XS at Wynn, it had a long line but it moved quickly and soon we were inside another hot club! It was bigger than the last and as we pushed our way onto the dance floor, we knew it was even better than the last one! We kept pushing through and guess what? We ended up outside again (the club was so huge, it sprawled to the outside pool area and bar where people were still dancing and living it up!). We had a shot and pushed our way back inside to the middle of the dance floor. We stayed there until our feet hurt and we could barely walk. Finally, we  went back to our hotel, tired but pumped from our GNO!! Personally I was a wee bit wasted and seriously could not walk from the bed to the bathroom. I actually had to crawl. My cousin's gf has a video of this if you don't believe me. LOL. I will see if I can post it. Even if it's a little bit humiliating. Oh here it is:

5) Celeb Sightings - While in line for XS,we had the ultimate (well I guess in Vegas, it was the ultimate) celebrity sighting: Paris and Nicky Hilton!! They look exactly like they do in the magazines. Paris was on her cell and the both of them walked quickly by with a small entourage. Too quick for a picture unfortunately, but still enough to feel excited that we saw them! I read later that they were meeting Leonardo DiCaprio at Surrender (another club at Wynn, or was it Encore? I don't know.) Anyways, THAT would have been cool to see. It was my first celebrity sighting in Vegas. In our own hotel bar, we saw a basketball player, Damon Jones (who I didn't know, obvi, but my husband did. So he got a pic with him. I thought he said Damon Wayans and I was like "That ain't him!"). My hubby also got to meet Alton Brown of Food Network fame and got a pic with him as well. Lucky!

6) Pool - The day after our Girls night out, I needed a day to recover and sitting by our pool was just the ticket! In fact there were 3 pools to choose from! We got a great spot (even under some shade!) to chill and relax (chillax) and it was poifect! We had some slushy drinks and  Ahh...that was the life.

7) Spa Day - Did I just say that that was the life? Well it was the life until my spa day. Now THAT was the life. $30.00 for a day of bliss? Yes please. I was so relaxed, I fell asleep whereever I lay down! There was the  Gabanyoku hot stone bed (nice), the Shio Salt room (nicer) and the outside therapeutic infinity spa pool (nicest!). (Not to mention the other jacuzzi tubs and cold plunge pool, the eucalyptus steam room and the red cedar sauna). They had every amenity and toiletry you could think of, unlimited refreshments, fresh fruit and snacks...yeah. Good times. I walked around there in my plush robe and comfy slippers with a loopy, dreamlike look on my face and I never wanted to leave...

8) The Beatles "LOVE" Cirque du Soleil - This was SO amazing! I highly recommend it.

9) Sex and the City Slots - I saw these slots on our first night and put in like $20.00, but alas, I did not win. We met again at our hotel, but it was always busy, and when I finally was able to scavenge a seat, I lost right away. I suck at gambling. Then, on our last day, my husband said, "Let's go play Sex & the City". So we put in $20.00 and...we won! I thought that was the end, but the gambling itch still needed to be scratched and we had like another 2 hours to kill, so...we put in another $20.00 and ended up winning again! We cashed out at $200.00. On penny slots!!! I love Vegas.

10) The heat - My nemesis. I know I've been complaining about this from day one. +40 I thought was going to kill me. We stepped out of the airport and immediately felt the heat. We thought, "hmm...this ain't that bad". But then we felt it during the day. It was before 9:00am and it was already +30. Really? OMG. It felt like a blast from a heater that was constant. Like when you open the grill and all the heat comes out? Yeah, it was like that, but it never dissipated. It was ridiculously hot. I could feel my skin literally baking in the sun. We did however, negotiate a truce whenever I lay by the pool. I got some good color and actually began to enjoy it. I mean, everytime I went outside, I was still always overwhelmed with how hot it was and always exclaimed "I can't believe how FRICKEN hot it is!" but the heat and I, well we actually became friends. A dry heat - that's what they call it. And after feeling our humid heat here, I can finally appreciate the difference. Hot is hot, but dry heat is definitely better than humid, sticky heat. And now that we are home, I kinda miss my friend - dry heat. So until next time...

So that's it. All my outfit planning (I wore most of them) and shoe worries are now all over. I survived the heat. I'm now in withdrawals. We've been watching "The Hangover" non-stop since we got home.

"I guess that's why they call it 'Sin City'." LOL.