Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Preliminary Thoughts on DWTS this season

Is anyone else watching Dancing with the Stars? Today was the first elimination and the person who left was...Shannen Doherty. I must say I was a little surprised. Actually, a lot. Kate Gosselin was AWFUL. I was sure she was dunzo! Even watching the rehearsal was basically like watching an episode of Jon and Kate circa when they were still married. She was totally bossing her partner, Tony, around in her "You're obviously a retard, why are you not understanding me because I'm obviously right" sort of way. I mean, I'm sure her partner was not that happy knowing he had to teach her again for one more week! Not that Shannen wasn't also a terrible dancer - she definitely was, but I just thought that she deserved at least one more week. I figured she'd be gone next week. BTW, she's like the 3rd person from 90210 (orig) to be on the show...Next season I hope it's Dylan. Or Brandon. Or David Silver.

So...anyways...I predict the winner of DWTS this season will be...Nicole Scherzinger. I mean, she already got two 10's last night and it was only the 2nd night of dancing. Though of course the judges will expect more of her and will make her work harder for her next 10's. However, I can do without the "What? I'm safe?! I TOTALLY thought I was gone this week" facial expressions. Come on. You know you're the best one out there. Anyways, I didn't really pay attention to anyone else, though I do like Niecy Nash. I think she has a great personality and I hope she lasts long in the competition. Oh! Also, the judges seem to really like Evan Lysacek, but he does seem very ice skaterish to me when he dances...Also, I think it's hilarious that Carrie Ann Inaba (you have to say her whole name) is such a stickler on the "lifts". So funny! Hey BTW, when the Beach Boys performed tonight, did anyone else think that John Stamos looked hot? Uncle Jesse - Have mercy!!

Anyone else have any thoughts about DWTS this season so far? Do we like Brooke Burke as the new co-host? (I say yes - she's much more tolerable than that low talker who was the co-host in the past seasons!). Good on ya Tom Bergeron! Anyhoo...

Everytime I watch DWTS I feel like I want to dance too. Sequins, spray tans and the samba. What an awesome combo! (Also I would need feathers. I must have feathers!) Who would I want my partner to be? (Hmm...maybe Derek Hough, even with his crazy eyes - he always seems to do the best choreography... Though Max would be much easier to look at...but I would get nothing done. You're right, Derek it is.)  I wonder what kind of critique the judges would give me? ("You're butt sticks out too much! Your posture is terrible! You looked like a fish that jumped out of its bowl and is gasping for breath! I saw your feet leave the ground!!! You did a LIFT!")

 But the most important question is...where would I display my mirror ball trophy?!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Yes, you're on the right page....

So on the weekend I went to see one of my new fave movies Alice in Wonderland! This movie was "wonder"ful and I was thoroughly enchanted! I don't think I've been enchanted in a very long time. I don't even know when the last time I was enchanted! I vaguely knew the story from my childhood, but I never really paid attention. Honestly, I was expecting a psychedelic kind of trip that wouldn't make much sense with a bit of Johnny Depp in his new incarnation of crazy. But the movie was...SO much better. I was just telling my friends at work today that I "felt" for J.D. as the Mad Hatter. Not loving feelings, but "feelings", y'know? Like I cared about what was going to happen to this crazy character. It was so much deeper than I expected. I don't know - I feel like this movie was so moving.

Here's one of the dresses. Wow. Love it!!!
And the costumes! Love. Alice herself had about 4 changes of dress during her time in Wonderland and each one was more incredible than the previous...Sigh. Really, you need to see this movie. It is definitely in my top 10. before I go on, you might have noticed that my humble little blog has undergone a style reno. The reason this all came about is actually because I was googling Alice's wardrobe and I came upon a link that had a cute, funky background. I was so intrigued that I went to the site and there were all these cute and funky backgrounds! Also, it seems that changing my background was easier than I thought. After many different choices, I settled on this one. I enjoy the colors! These colors make me happy : ) I only wish I had more choices of fonts. I'm obsessed with fonts. I guess I will have to take it slow...but so far, I think it's good. I feel less generic.

So...what do we think? Do we likey?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is this seat taken?

Here's something annoying. Can you please tell me why people who come in 5 minutes before a movie begins, expect to find GOOD seats? Seriously, these people come in and start talking all loudly that they wish people would move over so that they could sit down. Are you kidding me? I can't stand it and the reason I'm ignoring you is because it's your own fault. Sorry I do not have sympathy for you. If you come in that late, expect to sit at the front or some crappy seat. I always like to be at a movie hella early. Ask my husband (or any of our friends) - I start freaking out if we're not there at least 40 minutes before a movie starts. If it's the opening of a movie, I will take the day off. For example, when New Moon came out, me, my sister and a couple of friends, went to the mall for 9:00am. (The movie wasn't starting until 12:30, but the theatre was opening at 11:00). We started to line up outside the theatre doors at 10:00. When the doors finally opened, I pushed my way through and over any 'tweens that got in my way. That's how I roll.

I want to be there to get the seats that I want, the seats that will enhance my movie watching experience. These seats are usually at the very top and the center of the row. I can settle for the not quite center, but I prefer seats at the very top. We had an unfortunate incident one time where the guy behind us kept kicking my husband's seat and I normally hate confrontation, but it was getting ridiculous. Finally my husband turned around and said "Can you STOP kicking my seat already?!" I wasn't sure what to expect when we turned around, but it turns out it was a old man who didn't realize he was kicking the seat every time he changed his leg position. However, I was tense through the whole movie. I didn't want my husband kicking some old guy's ass. Another time, we got into a fight with this lady in a wheelchair who came in and asked my husband to move for her companion (not in a wheelchair). The previews had already started, we had been sitting in these seats for 45 minutes, the theatre was packed and she expected US to move? OMG. Are you kidding? We calmly said "Hellz NO." So she started to freak out, while her companion looked for another seat. Good thing her friend, found a seat. But this lady was actually threatening to tell the manager on us, saying we were in the "handicapped seats". We were like "Whatever". However, the movie was starting and she was forced to stop her ranting. I was tense through the whole movie. I didn't want my husband kicking some handicapped woman's ass. Anyways, she left after the movie, our earlier drama forgotten and no manager came to talk to us. We waited until everyone left so we could check the seats. Apparently, there ARE "handicapped seats". Oops. This is another reason we go early, to make sure we are not sitting in the "handicapped seats".

Because I'm so obsessive about going to movies early, my friends are usually forced to go early as well (I've kind of spread my neuroses to them too). In rare cases if not everyone can get there as early as me, we save seats. I don't really MIND saving seats... I mean, I don't mind if you're parking the car or getting popcorn and I have enough outerwear to spread out on the seats so that people know they're taken...just don't ask me to save a whole row. I once went to a movie where these girls were saving a WHOLE row, with only one girl on each side having to say "Sorry, we're saving the whole row." Let me tell you, there were some irate movie goers that day. (I, of course, played the hero and stated that the seats in my row were available. Smug smirk.)

So yeah, I'm very particular about my movie watching experience. I think of it like this: I made the decision to actually GO to a theatre to watch the movie, got dressed up and paid for my ticket, so obviously I would want it to be optimal. That's just how I am.

Also, please take a shower. I can't sit through a movie if the person beside me is stinky. I don't want my husband to have to kick a stinky person's ass.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm a cheap drunk.

So I'm trying to learn something new. You know when you get older, its much harder to learn things. Actually, its even harder to retain the new things you've learned. Case in point, I don't know how many times I've tried to teach my mom "Chopsticks" on the piano. She can never seem to remember which keys to start at.

Anyways, so what I want to learn now is... how to drink and appreciate wine.White wine, red wine, blush - it doesn't matter. I know it sounds dumb. But seriously, I would like to be able to order it at a restaurant, or enjoy a glass of it, after a long day at work, relaxing at home by the fire. (well, not necessarily by the fire, although, wouldn't that be nice and romantic? Yeah, I know its a cliché. I'm just saying.) Anyways, I feel kind of nerdy sometimes, ordering a 7-up when everyone else has a glass of wine. I mean, I don't like to drink that much in the first place. Though, if it's something that doesn't taste alcoholic, I can totally enjoy much more of it - Like, the bellini at Moxie's or Joey's or even my fave drink "Raspberry Sour Puss & 7" (2 capfuls are good enough for me! LOL). I can only really drink things that don't have that "alcohol-y taste". I'll tell you why. Do any of you remember Grower's? You know, that cooler that came in the green bottle with the pretty labels of fruit and delicious names? Yeah. That used to be our drink of choice. Grower's Orchard Berry or  Summer Pear or Sweet Peach (I don't really remember if those are the actual names, but it sounds nice). Anyhoo...I can still taste it (or rather remember the taste... Ew.) After the "Grower's Episode" of 1997, that was seriously the end of my drinking career. I can't even look at the label anymore. (I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit thinking about it. Ew.) that I'm older and more mature, I would like to be able to order an "adult" drink. I believe wine would fulfill that requirement. (I think a martini is too much. I tried to drink a flavored martini once, I think it was a lychee martini. It took me the whole night to drink it! Actually, I'm lying, I took 2 sips and gave it to my husband). So, I figured I would start slow. I'm drinking wine spritzers now. It's coming along. Soon I think I will be able to add the wine.

7-up doesn't go with red does it?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jem is truly outrageous, truly, truly, truly outrageous!

So yesterday at work we were talking about perms. I know what you're thinking... "Do people still get perms?!" I know, right? I mean, do hairstylists still even DO perms?! I'm sure that at one point in your life, you've had a perm. Don't even try and deny. Everyone has had a perm. I spent most of my childhood with a perm...and part of my 20's. A perm and a bad dye job (ie. blond dye on black hair = orange). But I digress...

When I think of perms, I remember the smell of the perm solution and how it would make my eyes water. I remember those plastic rods that attached with an elastic band at the ends and the small square tissue paper they used to wrap the hair in. I remember sitting there for hours, waiting for the perm to set, with a picture of what I wanted my perm to look like:
my dream hair (when I was 12), the outfit ain't bad either!
Obvi, Samantha Micelli's hair from Who's the Boss? (She was SO my idol). Who didn't want this hair? (Or for that matter, her wardrobe. Or even Chad McCann?!) But what I remember the most, is the "triangle head" that always inevitably came out. No matter how much I explained what I wanted...I always came out like this -Shayna  from the Holograms (the girl with the perpel hair (haha! perpel hair!!!) on the end.
Jem and the Holograms Rule!!
However, the only thing worse than having a triangle head was when the perm started to grow out. In those days, we didn't have the straighteners that we have today. So, half my hair would be straight and the other half, still curly from the perm. At that point I either had to decide to either re-perm and have a longer "isosceles triangle head" (see diagram): 
Or grow it out and endure the "half and half", until it was long enough to cut off! And, after every time I grew it out, I would swear that I would never have a perm again! But...the pull of the perm was too strong and each time (armed with my pic of  "Samantha" and unfailing hope) I would try again... Eventually, I finally gave up. I decided to end my quest for the elusive perm of my dreams.

Hm...I wonder how I would look with a perm now???

You're right. I would end up looking like a triangle head again. Fine...

So, how do we feel about Jem's hair?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Just nod your head and say "Sure"

Happy Monday Everybody! I hope you all had a great weekend...mine was a-ight. So...without further adieu, here is my recap:

Friday was a bust because I fell asleep at like 9:30. Apparently, I'm not a teenager anymore. (It's probably because I was up until 2:00 am the night before finishing my other post!) I did however, wake up at 2:30am, but I guess that doesn't count since I went right back to sleep.
Most of you know how my Saturday began - the meltdown due to the non-working hair dryer episode. (Oh! BTW, I forgot to mention that my husband also picked up a copy of New Moon on Blu-ray for me too. He's toooo good!) In the evening, we went to my sister-in-law's social. I worked at the door for most of the night collecting the tickets for the door prizes. It was amazing how many people would come up to me and say "Did my friend come in already?" or "Did Jean give you my tickets?"  or  "Is Lucy here?".  I would give them a smirk and say "Um, no." (Who are you and who the hell is your friend? Who is Jean? Why didn't you get your tickets from her before? I don't know where Lucy is. I don't even know what you're talking about.What is wrong with these people?) Or the best one: " My friend paid for her tickets, but not all of them, and she forgot to bring their tickets, but I have two more, but they didn't pay me yet." (blank look) "So uh...what do you want me to do?" I asked. "Well, if they come, could you just let them in?" Yeah. Sure. (If only I knew who "they" were). Other than that, it was a good turn out and for a moment there, we were even the winners of a Kitchen Prize Package! Yay! I was sitting just outside of the hall, selling the liquor tickets when someone came out to tell me that we had won! I was so excited about it, even if I didn't need the stuff in the kitchen package, because I never win anything! The excitement lasted until of course the raffle ended and people were leaving and I saw some random people walking out with my prizes. One of the girls beside me said, "Hey! Isn't that part of your prize?" I was like "What the? Someone stop those people!!!" and then my husband came out and said "Uh, yeah, I went up, but it was the wrong number." I said "You tosser! You had one job to do!" (in a british accent, a la Ocean's 11) But in the end it was fine because one of our friends left with the XBox 360 AND Playstation 3 (no fair!!!!), and my cousin won a big basket of assorted perfumes and colognes. Yay! She gon smell nice...
Sunday was a nice lazy day...sleeping in, catching up on soap operas and visiting my nephew. Sunday is always one of those days that you wish wouldn't go so fast, obvi because of work the next day, but I don't really mind Sunday evenings because Amazing Race and Desperate Housewives is on.

So yes, the end of another weekend. What did I learn this weekend?
1) I'm not a teenager and therefore can not stay up until the wee hours of the morning, even on Fridays.
2) When people tell you things that don't make sense, just nod your head and say "Sure."
3) Double check the raffle tickets that my husband thinks are winners.
4) Sundays always eventually turn into Mondays. boo.

I wonder what excitement this week will bring?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I guess you always need a back-up.

So on Saturday, I was getting ready to go out. The house was clean, shower was taken, outfit was chosen, only hair and makeup was left to do. I combed my wet hair, pumped out my volumizing mousse, plugged in my hair dryer and...nothing. I was like "What the?" So I unplugged it and plugged it into the other plug. And...still nothing. I unplugged it and tried a whole different plug, clicked the on/off button and still nothing. How could this happen? I just used it the day before and there was no hint that there was something wrong with it. I felt the panic start to rise as I shook my hair dryer, hoping that would bring it back to life. NOOOOOO! I screamed. I ran out of the room and shrieked to my husband "OMG!!! My hair dryer's not working! What the hell am I gonna do?!" My husband, used to my melodrama, calmly suggested that I drive to my sister's house to use hers until we could go and buy a new one. UGH!!!! Luckily my sister only lives two minutes away. As I grabbed the keys I could hear him say "You better hurry! Your hair is starting to dry..." UGHHH....So I called my sister to let her know I was on my way. Now all of you know that I do not drive. That is, unless I absolutely have to. So here I was, racing against time because I could feel my cowlick starting to curl, while the rest of my hair started to dry, straight and limp to my head. I ran into my sister's house, gave my nephew a quick kiss and ran upstairs. She was on the phone with her husband, when I came in. She was saying "Lee just got here. No, by herself. Her hair dryer broke. Yup! She drove here by herself! Desperation, desperation..." (snicker, snicker). I had to ignore it and concentrate on the task at hand. My hair was almost dry already, so I had to re-wet it. I had a bad feeling about it, but I continued on. I turned the blow dryer on and instantly felt some relief...I thought that perhaps I could salvage it. I finished drying my hair, but then realized I didn't bring my straightener. Well, luckily my sister had hers already plugged in. So I started to straighten...and straighten it did...And as I did this, I remembered how much stronger my sister's straightener was than mine. Like my hair was totally straight. Uh-oh. Well I couldn't stop now, I was on a time crunch. So I kept straightening, thinking that I could pump up the volume with some hairspray...which I also forgot to bring. My sister came upstairs and started showing me the new stuff she had bought on her last trip. I don't know why. All the while, I tried to fix what was happening on my head. Unfortunately, I was past the point of no return. My hair was stick straight with no volume and an uneven part. Lovely.  So...I took one last look, groaned and went downstairs. My 19-month old nephew looked at me and said "Boom, boom, pow!" I said, "I know." So I had to go knowing that basically, I had gone there for nothing. My hair was not suitable for going out in public. I came home and told my husband that there was no way in hell that I was going out. He looked at me, rolled his eyes and said, "Are you f-ing serious? As if you don't have a back-up!" I said, " Why the hell would I have a back-up. My hair dryer didn't tell me it was going to DIE on me. Look at me! You don't understand, I can't go out. I just need a new hair dryer!!!" He asked me why I didn't just go to Walmart to buy a hair dryer since I was already out. I gave him a look and said "What do you not understand? I cannot go out in public looking like this." I mean really, did my husband not know me by now? Looking in my eyes he realized that he was just not going to win this argument. He just said "What kind of hair dryer?" I was like "I don't care. Anything Conair. It doesn't matter." He rolled his eyes one more time, grabbed his keys and left. I couldn't do anything until he came back. After what seemed like an eternity he came back, brand new hair dryer in hand and once again saved my day. Having a back-up hair dryer would be nice. But I would never want a back-up husband. The one I have is perfect.


Friday, March 19, 2010

How do I toot my own horn?

So now that I've started blogging and realized that I quite enjoy it...I've started following other blogs. Like, professional bloggers' blogs. Their sites are so nice and cool! So I thought to can I make my blog better (ie. nice and cool)? What can I do to keep you guys reading it? (Other than the fun and exciting things that I already write about, such as my thoughts about tv shows, food I've eaten, what I did for the weekend, my love/hate relationship with the sale rack and my search for the latest "dream" boots/ dress/ lipstick, etc...) I read somewhere that to increase traffic you should add a "subscribe" button (not for payment, but for tracking, or some such thing). However I don't know how to do that. I don't know what an RSS feed is either - I don't know what it does or how it will help me. There are also suggestions to put ads on your blog, to "make money". But how is that possible? Other than having annoying pop-ups that everyone closes anyways? I don't see how annoying my readers will make me some moolah. I also read that impressions are important - just as important as the content, so how it looks can make or break your blog. There are pages of articles that say this is one place that looks ARE important, that it can mean the difference between 8 followers and 800 followers. However, I can't seem to figure out how to change how mine looks. I mean, I know how to change the templates, I just don't know how to create my own. I found a site that I could download a new free template (different from the generic ones that this site offers), but I tried it and it turned everything spanish. ie. habla espanol. That definitely did not help me. (Plus, it was a nightmare just trying to change it back to my familiar Ms. Moto Pink Template!). The articles also say to "toot your own horn". But I'm not used to doing that. (Blatantly, at least.) So...what to do, what to do? Then it came to me.

Celebrity endorsement.

Yes! Celebrity endorsement! All I need is an A-lister to say they are a fan of my blog and the rest will follow!! Then I wouldn't need all that other stuff! Who cares about putting in back links and ping-o-matics! People would be all "if Clooney reads this blog, it MUST be good!" I would be invited to Hollywood parties, New York Fashion Week, the Academy Awards! I could be a guest judge on Iron Chef America! I could be a guest judge on ANTM. Sitting beside A.L.T in his salon, telling model wannabees that "I didn't love their pose". OMG - Ryan Reynolds and Robert Pattinson would fight over me! So many possibilities!

So...Does anyone know anyone famous?


Oh well. Who cares about Clooney? Who cares about the free Prada skirts and Dolce & Gabbana fur jackets? Who cares about tasting rich, exotic foods? Who cares about sitting in Andre Leon Talley's salon? Who cares about having to choose between a vampire and vampire slayer (well that last one would be nice...) Who cares about all that?!

Not me. Because I have you guys! Thank you for reading my ramblings, making comments and always giving me a reason to write. You guys are awesome. Now please, tell your friends - maybe they know someone famous.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Andre Leon Talley. Is. Awesome. LOVE him. Monsieur, may I hang out with you in your salon? He is totally what ANTM needed. I love his line "It's Gucci-esque-ish. And It's Dior-ish. And it's all the luxury brands-ISH!" He says things like "courtesan" and "salon" and "Dreckitude"! (Which, btw, I'm going to start saying. ) Don't get me wrong, I love Ms. Jay as much as the next guy, but the girls definitely needed him more for runway. BTW, did anyone else burst out laughing when that girl fell...twice?! LOL. Sorry, I know it's not nice to laugh at other's misfortune, but girl wasn't even on the runway-pendulum-gauntlet yet. (hee hee) Speaking of Rachel Roy...(the designer the girls were modeling)...has anyone seen the new Rachel Rachel Roy line at The Bay? It's a-ight. A bit pricey, but some interesting pieces. And there is also another new line there called Halston Heritage. I immediately noticed it as I was passing by the other day, but on first glance it looked kind of like expensive beach something you would wear partying in South Beach. I didn't really pay too much attention...That is until I heard that SJP was the new chief creative officer of the line! (and in fact, that white dress you see her wearing in the SATC posters and trailer, not to mention a lot of her wardrobe for the film, is Halston Heritage).
So, today I decided to check it out... Upon closer inspection I found out that it was really, REALLY expensive beach cover-ups. Haha! Just kidding! There was some nice stuff: lots of asymmetric cuts and flowy, bright silks...but I'm not kidding about the expensiveness people. Like $835.00 for a dress anyone? Hello, do they not know this is The Bay? In Winnipeg? However, I think this is a step in the right direction. High fashion in Winnipeg. Expensive High Fashion in Winnipeg. Hm...

I'm all for high fashion. In fact I saw this utterly wonderful black swing trench with 3/4 length sleeves and pearl buttons by Pink Tartan. Tried it on and promptly fell in love. Looked at the tag and promptly fell out of love. $495.00. Again. This is The Bay. In Winnipeg. What are we not understanding here? However, I've decided to keep visiting this jacket...a la my Perpel dress. Who knows? Maybe lightning can strike twice. I will keep you updated.

Anyhoo, all this talk about fashion has made me want to update my "wish list" again. So, I will go and do that and holla at y'all laytah. (that's my new dreckitude).

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

TV is my guide.

So I was thinking that I was going to start doing my posts in the evening...its so hard to be stealth writing these during the day. However, this is prime TV season and even though I like PVR everything, I really have a hard time actually watching my pvr'd shows. I really wanted to try and stay up-to-date. Of course this is virtually impossible now, what with all my shows coming back from hiatus.  But anyways, we will see how it goes. (Yes, TV is an extremely important part of my life - ask my husband or anyone in my family. They will confirm that I'm a complete zoner when I'm watching a show.) Personally I like to write whenever the feeling strikes me as I read somewhere that creativity is heightened when it is spur of the moment. Or something like that.

Back to my all important TV schedule. So you all know that Mondays is my Gossip Girl/How I Met/Big Bang Theory nights. Tuesdays is American Idol (though, this is not something I absolutely HAVE to watch), though I'm sure Dancing With Stars will be happening soon. Wednesdays is ANTM and AI results (usually)and perhaps DWTS results (unless DWTS happens on Mondays, then results on Tuesdays, which totally would not help my cause). Also, that new Tinsley Mortimer Reality Show "High Society" has started on Weds as well, though I don't know how long it will last because the people on there are AWFUL. Really, if I were an NY Socialite, I would SO want to be like Blair Waldorf. (BTW, did any of you watch GG yesterday? Her tweed outfit and fantabulous necklace? Love. and also, Chuck Bass, as always, LOVE.) Anyways - I'm completely drawn to this horrendous show, but like a car accident, I can't look away. Thursdays = Grey's (obvi) and luckily, nothin is on, on Fridays. However, I am slightly addicted to filipino soap operas and must watch no less than 3 of those shows a day as well. (I seriously don't know how I get anything done at home!). On Saturdays there's usually nothing on (thankfully) and Sundays are Amazing Race/Desperate Housewives night. Let's not forget movies...For example yesterday I had to watch You've Got Mail, all three times it was on. Granted, I didn't watch the WHOLE movie each time, but I always caught it at the same part and I only watched it once till the end. Don't ask me why. I love that movie.

So anyways, I'm going to try and write these posts in the between my show times. seems highly unlikely. I think I will go back to being stealth tomorrow...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Have a good weekend? Why yes, thank you.

Hello all! What a fabulous weekend! And, since I took the day off today, it's a looong weekend. Nice. Well as usual, my Mondays are turning into Recap Mondays. So let's get started...

Friday was a great day as we all know...if you don't know why, read the previous post. Pretty much the best day of my life. Next to my wedding day. Or at least in the top 10. Oh, and I also picked up my 2 Glee CD's. Wonderful!

Saturday was also a fun day. It started out as usual. Cleaning... (that's not the fun part) But in the evening we were having friends over to watch the Pacquiao-Clottey fight. It was a potluck...
and it was a very yummy spread! Everyone brought something (thanks everyone!) We had chicken, noodles, a veggie platter, nachos, spring rolls, an edible arrangement of yummy fruit and these great red velvet "label whore" cupcakes that my friend brought.

red velvet, perpel AND luxury labels: my fave combo!

There was also another treat, but I had it under a glass case and was not willing to share or cut into it. Sorry.

yes! a matching cake and its ferrerro rocher flavored too. (Thanks Abbey!)

And the fight was good too. Pacquiao totally wasted the other guy. Seriously. Was there any doubt? Pacquiao rules! This is the only time I like boxing. 

Sunday we finally, finally, finally watched Avatar. It was pretty good. Actually it was pretty amazing! Was it me or does that Sam Worthington guy look like Mark Wahlberg sometimes? Anyways, I was a little bit tired, so unfortunately I hate to admit that I sometimes had to "rest my eyes" but I could hear everything. I'm pretty sure I didn't snore. It wasn't that the movie was boring, I think it was really the 3D glasses that were bugging me. Or something. I really did like the movie! Really! Anyone else have this problem? Perhaps because the movie was so long...I dunno. Anyways, yes I have finally watched Avatar. My life is now complete.

And today...was a nice leisurely day. Vietnamese pho for lunch and my husband is making hot wings for dinner. Couple that with the best shows ever, Gossip Girl and How I Met Your Mother and it will be a perfect ending to a perfect weekend.

Back to work tomorrow. Boo. Do you think it's too formal to wear my Perpel Dress to work?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Are we meant to be?" The Conclusion.

I was SO busy yesterday I didn't have a chance to post. I was in and out of meetings and didn't even have a chance to log in...However, I was thankful for the distraction. I would have gone batty thinking about the Perpel Dress...would it be there? How would I live my life knowing I had the chance to have it in my possession, not once, not twice, not even three times, but a staggering FOUR times and I turned it down? What is wrong with me. One of my friends said "You've changed. You would never have turned it down even the first time!" I know. What happened to me?

As I made my way through the throngs of people milling about in the mall I thought to myself, "If it's there, I will give it a good home. I will wear it with my best accessories. I will buy a new pair of shoes just to match with it. I will..." but was this all wishful thinking? I didn't know. As I neared the store I hesitated. I had come here with one thought in mind "Bring home the Perpel Dress". I steeled my resolve and walked into the store. The salesperson greeted me with a kind hello, I smiled distractedly in her direction. I purposefully marched in towards the back, past the shiny new spring collections, the soft pastels,and jaunty spring jackets towards the dresses. My eyes scanned the new collection of dresses as I approached.  The new perpel dresses had arrived, but none as perfect as my Perpel Dress. The New Collection displayed proudly, called out mocking me, "Forget about that dress...take one of us, we're ready to party!" No! I screamed in my head! I turned towards the sale rack. Ah, the sale rack. My friend and my foe. I fought many a battle here and many times emerged the victor...would today be a victory as well? As I walked around the rack,desperately searching, there in the corner standing proudly away from the "little black dresses" of a season past, was my Perpel Dress.

"YES!" I whispered. "You waited". I picked it up and looked at it, pride beaming from my face. I turned it around and looked at the tag. "$59.99", it said shyly. I clutched it to my heart, turned to the salesgirl and said "Can I try this on please?". As I put the dress on, my heart swelled with happiness. Here I was, wearing My Perpel Dress! My husband, happy for me as well, said "I will pay for it." The salesgirl wrapped my dress up in the delicate tissue paper and placed it in the bag. "Let's go home" I said.
And that's what we did.

about the author
Lee. M. lives with her understanding husband in Winnipeg. She hopes to one day be a famous blogger , who people will say "Hey, I knew her when she was less crazy!" when talking about her. The Perpel Dress hangs in a place of honor in her closet. She doesn't yet have the shoes to go with it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Are we meant to be?

It's finally payday tomorrow and I am planning to buy the Perpel Dress that I have been eyeing since November. It was regular price then, and I love, love, loved it. It was a dress I would not normally choose for myself, but I was so drawn to the color (obvi) that I had to try it on. I instantly felt the glamour and red carpet worthiness and began to think of all the wonderful places I could wear this fabulous frock. Let's see...I could buy it for my mom's retirement party, then I thought I could wear it on the cruise we were going to be on when we went on vacation, then perhaps a wedding or many possibilities! I immediately started to think about the shoes, the purse and accessories... (this was all happening in the change room of course). But when I called my husband, to come and see it (since I did not want to take it off, I stayed in the change room area with the salesgirl telling me how awesome I looked) he looked at me, said "Yeah it looks nice" and asked me for the price...$225.00. Which didn't seem that expensive to me, what with all the red carpet events I was imagining myself attending...but apparently did not wash with him, when I told him that Iwas planning to wear it for my mom's party...and the cruise...and. "No", he said " It's nice, but not $225.00 plus tax nice". Aw, nuts. So I reluctantly took it off...and whispered to it that I would be back...

December came and went and January brought the sales...I wandered into the store again...Though I didn't have any events to attend, I thought I would check the dress anyways and...down to $109.99! Dirt! I should buy it now!!! I tried it on again...yep, still fits! But alas, it was not a pay week...I would have to wait until the following payday, 9 days away. Ugh. "Okay," I whispered to it again "I promise I will come back. You were still here, so it was meant to be". Again, I sadly hung it up and hid it between the other dresses and prayed that it would be there in 9 days....

Nine days later...I forgot about my promise to the dress and ended up buying a couple sweaters and a pair of jeans. (I had stumbled upon a sale and couldn't believe my luck! Payday AND a sale!) The perpel dress was again forgotten...until the middle of February. I purposely went to the store, to seek out the dress, to see if it was still waiting...I didn't really need it. I didn't want to have it. However, as I walked to the back of the store...and scanned the racks, my heart sank. It was gone and I was left with the quiet despair of knowing that it could have been mine. As I sadly circled the racks of new dresses, my eye caught a glint of perpel in between the golds and browns...could it be?! Was it still...? Yes! It was there!! I hugged it and whispered "You're still here?! Waiting!" and as if to say "yes", I turned the tag and it was...OMG. $79.99. Oh mon cheri! You've been waiting...and you've been waiting for me...but will you wait for me a little bit longer? I have other things to pay for right now and I can't bring you home with me yet! I knew I was pressing my luck.

Last week, I went one more time to visit. Knowing that this time it wouldn't, couldn't be there. was. Still. Clinging on to the hope that I would be back. Pleading. $69.99. Take me home! it screamed. I made one more deal with the dress. Please just wait for me until the 12th. I promise I will be back.

Tomorrow is the day we will hopefully be reunited. I haven't visited again...I don't think I could take the hurt. I know. I'm crazy for waiting this long...but if it was meant to will still be there. Waiting for me.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

You light up my life...and so do you.

I am obsessed with this lamp:
I've been scouring interior design magazines and this lamp has been in every one of the rooms I've admired. I don't care if it's a cliche. I love this lamp and I think it would totally "make" our living room. I've always wanted to live in a loft and to me, this lamp gives that "lofty" vibe. So I finally convinced my husband and we were going to buy it last Monday. Unfortunately its on back order until June. Curses! So I guess I am going to have to wait and pine over it until then. Boo. (thumbs down).

On a happier note! I just saw the Eclipse 10-second teaser. Cannot wait! Eclipse was my fave book of the series and I am SO looking forward to this latest installment. I've already booked my day off for June 30th!!
So my fellow Twilighters, here is the teaser. (I'm new to this so...hopefully no one will make me take this down.) Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, Monday, so good to me...

So first let me say how my life is again complete with the return of the BEST SHOW EVER, Gossip Girl. "You know you love me, XOXO" (Yes, yes I do! and I've missed you so!) Even if my husband and I spent half the time yelling at the TV about what sluts S and Nate are, (though I totally heart Nate - you deserve someone better sweetie!), and how Rufus was all sulky and annoying (and now hypocritical if he is going to be all cheats on Lily with the annoying woman on the 24th floor), it was still so wonderful to know that our fave show was back! And Chuck and Blair, love.

And while I'm on the subject, How I Met Your Mother is also one of our faves. Barney? The Barnacle? How do you NOT love him? Marshall and Lily, Robin and even Ted? How can you not clap your hands in delight to a show that breaks into song at any given time? That gives lines like "Huzzah! A gentleman's agreement!" Seriously. It's legen- wait for it...dary.

And one more show that has started to creep up and tug on my shirt tails until I finally paid attention: The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon - Bazinga! (oh, and Raj looked cute in real life). Nuff said.

Mondays rule.

Monday, March 8, 2010

At least we know the alarm works...

And it's Monday again. How was your weekend? Mine was good and eventful but not overly so. It seemed that I got a lot done, but I always feel like that after cleaning the house... Such a good feeling! And lasts until...Tuesday (if I'm lucky). But anyways...let's recap:

Friday - Yes, went to the previously mentioned housewares store and successfully found what I was looking for: a modern white sugar bowl/creamer set. So excited and only 9.99! Went home. Caught up on all my Y & R. Slept late...

Saturday - Slept in. Made pancakes. Decided to "Precise Clean" our oven, set off our house alarm because of it (I forgot the perimeter alarm was on, opened the patio doors to air out the smell of the self-cleaning oven and...ugh!). Proceeded to look for my heart somewhere on the ceiling after said alarm.  Cleaned. Spent the afternoon watching make-up tutorials by Michelle Phan  (amazing*, btw). Tried to copy the "Tim Burton" look, ended up looking like I got beat up instead. Promptly washed it off. Got ready. Looked for my "professional make-up brush set". Did normal eye-make up with some MP flourishes instead. Went out for the evening. Came back. Slept late...

Sunday - Woke up early. Folded laundry. Got ready for church. Church. Chilled with cousins after the service. Dim Sum with family after church. Picked up some Timmy's (got my order wrong). Went home to chill. Watched the probable/implausible/entertaining disaster movie "2012" with my husband (we LOVE disaster movies). Watched the Academy Awards Red Carpet (loved Sandra Bullock's hair and SJP's Chanel dress).Watched the 82nd annual Academy the very end. Watched Barbara Walters last Academy Awards Interview Show ever (Why Babs?). Slept.

All in all, a busy/non-busy/satisfying weekend.

Sorry. It's Monday, I'm still tired. Tell me about your weekend. 

*She even has a tutorial on how to do looks from Lady Gaga's Bad Romance/Poker Face. Perfect! One of these days...

Friday, March 5, 2010

He's always in a compromising position

Compromise (courtesy of
//com·pro·mise//  [kom-pruh-mahyz] 
noun, verb,-mised, -mis·ing.
noun: a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.
verb: to settle by a compromise.

My marriage is full of compromise.

For example...
After work today I wanted to go to a housewares store to look for stuff. My husband said that he wanted to drop his shirts off to get drycleaned so I would have to meet him at the mall on the other side of the city. I didn't want to, so he decided to leave his dry cleaning at home and agreed to go to the housewares store with me instead. He compromised.

The other day he wanted me to pick up some windshield washer fluid, but I was on the other side of the mall, so he just picked some up at the gas station instead. He compromised.

Yesterday he wanted to have hot dogs for dinner, but I wanted something more substantial. So we went out for Chinese food instead. He compromised.

The real definition of compromise = my way.
It works.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

If only I didn't have to worry about my hair...

I'm on the ball today! I've started about 4 different things and am simultaneously working on them all at the same time. (How redundant! Why thank you!)

I used to be a procrastinator. Like, when I was in high school, and there was a major test or something, I needed to have optimal studying conditions. ie. my room had to be spotless, desk clear, bed made and of course, good hair. (Yes, my life seems to be driven by whether my hair is cooperating with me). So, I pretty much could not get started on the actual "studying" until everything was in its place. I told myself that a "clear mind, starts with a clean room". By the time all my "organizing" was done, it was about 10:00 at night. So as I got down to "studying" I would find that I needed a drink or a snack, to y'know, keep me going. Once that was done and I settled into it, I would finally (finally!) start studying...for about 1/2 hour, 45 minutes. Then I would start to get I would say to myself, "I'm going to wake up early and study!" I figured, I needed a good nights sleep to be alert for the test anyways. No point in knowing the answers if I was going to fall asleep during the test right?! So I would go to sleep telling myself that I would wake up at 5:00am on the dot, fresh and ready to study...
5:00am: I'll just hit the snooze button. What's 9 minutes?
5:09am: Darn, already? Okay, just one more time. No, 2 more times. I will wake up at 5:30.
5:27am: oh, 3 more minutes to 5:30. I'll just turn down the alarm, because I am waking up in 3 minutes anyways...zzzzzz.
7:45am: What?! It's fricken 7:45! Why didn't my alarm go off?! Crap. I will study when I get to school, my test is not till 9:30 anyways.
8:40am-9:00am: Get to school, see my friends, check my hair...okay. Ready to study...
9:00am-9:18am: Frantically reading notes
9:18am-9:29am: Give up. If I don't know it already, I will never know it....

And so went my high school life.

Good thing I'm not like that anymore! Okay. Gotta go, I have some work to do! I just need to get some coffee...and check my hair.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Do Bobble Heads have more fun?

Ha! I'm young again. I got my hair did last night and I must say, hello blonnndie! (said with a new yok accent) I'm not actually blond, its just highlights, but wow, not only does my head look lighter, it actually feels lighter. Perhaps that's why I had a sore neck. My hair was weighing my head down. Now I'm all bobble-head.

I have to admit it's kind of early in the season for me to get highlights, but what with the awful-ness that was happening yesterday morning, I just HAD to. The jokes on me though because my hairstylist (I was always calling her a  "hairdresser" before, but how old-school is that?) is going on mat like, a month. So now, I will have to pray that my hairs chill on the growing for now at least, to buy me some time. I will, however, have to find a replacement for June as my hair has an important task - wedding duties! It's a lot of pressure to put on the hair, I admit, but as we all know, good hair is the key to success. (or at least a good mood, in my case). Unfortunately, my high hopes of long flowing locks were dashed upon asking my all-knowing stylist how long it would be by then. She told me it would only be about 1 inch longer. Curses!! Are extensions out of the question? 

Anyways, I figure I have a couple days until my head starts to get heavy again. So for now, if you see me shaking my head all "short and sassy" styles, just ignore me - I'm just enjoying my wobbly head.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"You're getting olda now..."

I think I'm getting old. I woke up this morning with a sore neck. A pain in the neck. No, not my husband. (haha) Crap. I'm making old people jokes. Hm....Actually I had the sore neck last night because I fell asleep on the couch, at the wrong angle. Then, when my husband woke me up to go upstairs, my legs were all sore, so I basically crawled up the stairs. Then this morning I woke up with the previously mentioned sore neck, sore legs and then looked in the mirror and I'm pretty sure a new crop of white hairs (I call them "white hairs" not "grey hairs" because they're fricken white) grew all around my head. I can't even pretend they're "highlights" because hello, the hair comes out white, then half-way down the shaft its black, then the rest of the way it's brown. I have a multi-colored head, and not in a good fashionable way. So of course I stood in front of the mirror to examine my hair in disgust. This of course delayed the whole getting ready process. I changed like 3x today (and started ironing 3 different sweaters). I finally was fine with my outfit, but then got my merlot-y lipstick on it, so I had to change again. This of course made us late to leave, which gave me even worse road rage than I normally have. (I have passenger side road-rage which is way worse than driver-side road rage. My husband thinks I have Tourette's) So, I was late for work...and what was the point I was trying to make? I forgot. I'm fricken old. UGH.

Monday, March 1, 2010

"I love goooooold." - Goldmember (and everyone in Canada)

Bonjour mes amis! Welcome back to the start of another work week...RECAP!

Obvi, I would be remiss if I didn't write about the extremely eventful and at times, heart-stopping, weekend that just happened. (BTW, do you like the french? It's in honour of this past weekend too). So...where should I start?

Well, I'm sure everyone is straggling in with hangovers from the celebrations last night! The BIG game lived up to they hype and our hockey team won GOLD (yay!) against our neighbors to the south. I kept yelling "We have to win! It's a matter of our dignity and pride!" (the last part is from "The Little Rascals". Spanky says it when Stymie tells him to be friends with Alfalfa again...but I digress) Anyways, I'm sure the whole country collectively sighed with relief when Sidney Crosby (finally) scored that Gold-securing goal. (As I'm sure the whole country collectively freaked 15 minutes earlier when Parise scored that heart-attack inducing goal! Seriously? We couldn't hang on for like 50 more seconds to win in regular time?!) Although perhaps we have a problem with the last few moments of important games because what about what happened last Friday, which had me and I'm sure all of yous, hyperventilating until the very last second? Anyways, I guess I shouldn't dwell. So yes, Canada has the gold in both men's and women's hockey! Our dignity and pride is intact. Congratulations to us!

And what about the closing ceremonies? I loved the beginning where they totally made fun of the whole "malfunction" from the opening ceremonies. That was awesome (well except for the clown/mime guy). It was a funny and fitting conclusion to something that would have forever been a source of embarrassment and ridicule. But then...I don't know about you, it kinda went downhill from there. Even the states broadcast gave up and put on some other show, even though it wasn't even over! (Or perhaps they just got irritated with the whole "we won the hockey game" theme that kept coming up). BTW, yes, I was watching it on the US channel instead of the canadian channel. (I like Bob Costas' commentary).  Though I did change it when I realized it wasn't over yet...So what did you think of the performers? I was a little disappointed. No, lots. Really? They couldn't get DRAKE (He was on Degrassi!)? or even Justin Bieber (he's from Winnipeg!)??? And what was with all the opera? I love opera as much as the next guy, but come on. They kept showing M.J. Fox, but why wasn't my boyfriend Ryan Reynolds one of the people who came out to say why they love Canada?! Why couldn't they get Russell Peters to come out and make fun of us? We love it when he makes fun of us!

Anyways, So the Olympics are over...the 2 weeks where we watch, riveted to WHATEVER sport is on and become an expert on triple salchows and double axels, 1080's and 1260's (Is that what they're called?) is dunzo. (I mean, even my mom is all "Tet! Did you see when da states had a powerplay?" (yes, mom). Yes, for 17 days we became experts on ski-jumping, snow-boarding and slaloms. We discussed the differences of the luge, bob-sled and skeleton (hm...they all involve sitting in or on something that races down a track of ice at breakneck speeds...) and we analyzed the complexity of the spins and jumps during the figure skating competitons ("that so was NOT a triple triple double axel!") and of course the male figure skater outfits ("Feathers! He must have feathers!"). But now its over. Our lives go back to normal and I can now watch American Idol without having to worry that I'm missing the very important combined freestyle competetion. (whatever that was).

Buh-bye, Olympics see you in Fo-Sochi.