Wednesday, November 24, 2010

GLeecap: I always cry at weddings...

I love weddings. And this week our favorite show treated us to, not one, but 2 weddings...GLeestyle!

Kurt's dad, Burt and Finn's mom, Carol, finally decided to tie the knot - much to the delight of Kurt, and to a lesser extent, Finn. I loved that (of course) Kurt was the wedding planner and I knew it was going to be beautiful:  a crimson and cognac color palette for a fall wedding? Yes! And just because we didn't get to see Kurt's dad's proposal to Finn's mom, don't think we missed out! We got to see a very cute "promise ring proposal" by Sam to Quinn. (Are guys in high school really this sweet?). However, Quinn, ever weary, gave us a definite maybe.

Then there was Principal Sue marrying herself? Obviously! No one would be a more perfect match! The introduction of Carol Burnett as Sue's mom (the nazi hunter)? Yeah, I buy it.  Their duet of "Ohio" was a strange and funny and somehow worked with the perfect blending of their voices.

This episode was all about Love. Different kinds of love, varying stages of love: young love, true love, self love, the love of family, the love of friends. But unfortunately, it was also about something more sinister: bullying. Just when Glee lulled us into a false sense of security with all the wedding gaiety and excitement, it came back and punched us in the stomach with the return of Karofsky (I know his name now! I don't have to keep calling him "scary football bully guy"), who once agained scared the bejeezus out of Kurt (and me). After that, I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen and I prayed and hoped that it wouldn't come during the wedding! (Seriously, I must watch too many action/drama movies - I kept thinking that Karofsky was going to come and start shooting up the wedding. I mean, he seems just unstable enough to do it. I'm not ruling it out.) Damn him - I was on the edge of my seat for the rest of the show. Good thing I had it on PVR, I had to watch the wedding again since I couldn't enjoy it the first time because I was so stressed that something bad was going to happen!

But enough about that for now...let's discuss The Wedding. (Have I told you that I absolutely love weddings?)

My favorites:
  1. As I said earlier, I really dug the color palette. (I'm all about color palettes).
  2. I loved the entrance of the "entourage". It was cute and fun and made me wish I could get married again, just so I could dance in to such happy music. I hadn't heard that song before, but I really liked it. "Marry You" by Bruno Mars. Hm...I like this Bruno Mars.
  3. How could you not cry during Burt and Carol's speeches to one another and the boys? (I'm teary just thinking about it!)
  4. Mr. Schu singing "Sway". (Totally reminded me of my uncle, who I'm pretty sure, throws parties, just so he can sing at them. (LOL)
  5. Seeing Burt and Carol cha-cha was awesome. It was so "we don't really know how to dance, so we took lessons, but we're still not perfect, but who cares because it's OUR wedding and we are in love and having fun!". It looked like a really fun wedding to attend. You know how some weddings you attend, you can really feel the love? Watching this one, was like that.
  6. Rachel's dress - I liked hers the best...the neckline was gorgeous. I want to get a dress made that looks exactly like that. For the next wedding I attend.
  7. Finn's speech - it was a perfect "high school boy" speech. It was awkward and sweet at the same time. It made me laugh we he said the bit about combining names: Finnchel (Rachel beaming with delight), and Puckleberry (Rachel's "beaming" was erased) haha! It was subtle, but perfect. However, maybe instead of "Furt", Finn could have picked "Kinn" (which would be a perfect intro to a speech about "kin", which is what Kurt is to him now...right?! Really, Glee writers, that was a gimme.)
  8. Finn and New Directions singing "Just the Way You Are" (also by Bruno Mars) and dedicating it to Kurt - which I have to say is my favorite song of the show and my current fave song in real life. (Next to "Baby" by the Biebs of course)
And Sue, for all her tyranny and toughness showed us glimpses of heart - whether it was standing up to her mom (and her version of "bullying") to expelling the creepy Karofsky for threatening Kurt to stepping down as Principal in protest for the school board letting him back in and for telling Kurt he could choose what (nick)name she would call him. "I choose porcelain." (I would too.) It was just the right amount of sweetness and meanness. (Oh Sue, you're our favorite villain!)

I haven't even mentioned yet how great it was that the guys (well, minus Finn) stood up to scary football bully guy (sorry, I'm not used to calling him Karofsky), or the hints of Tina's jealousy of Brittany and Artie's relationship, or Santana, who seems to be getting tired of all the "love" happening around her (but only because I suspect, she wants to be "in love" or for someone to love her as well). BTW, I'm starting to like Sam and Quinn as a couple and thought it was also very perfect "high school boy" for Sam to cheer when Quinn decided to wear his ring. However, I'm sad that Kurt is transferring to Dalton, though it seems to be the only course of action (at least for now). On the upside, we get to see more of Blaine! And also, Sectionals are next week!

So my fellow Gleeks, I hope you enjoyed the episode as much as I did (as I do, almost every week!).

PS. I also picked up the Glee Christmas CD today and am thoroughly enjoying as well!

1 comment:

  1. have you seen this website? it profiles where you can find glee wardrobe - enjoy!
