Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gleecap: I wish I had a Magic Comb...


Okay so last week, we were left with a quandry. When would Rachel find out that Finn slept with Santana (during the utterly wonderful "Power of Madonna" episode!)? Apparently we wouldn't have to wait long to find out...just when we thought that it might be drawn out through upcoming episodes, Santana does the unexpected (well sooner than I thought!) and spills the beans almost immediately! Oh, what a bad day it was for Rachel - finding out that your boyfriend slept with a hot cheerleader, not getting the lead vocals for sectionals...what more could go wrong? However, just because Rachel wasn't going to sing at sectionals didn't mean we weren't going to hear her sing at all. There weren't too many songs I liked in this latest installment, but I have to say I did actually like Rachel and Kurt's duet of "Don't Cry for Me Argentina". SO much better than Madonna's version, no? I laughed at the subtle "No to the hands" move that Blaine did when Kurt was channelling a little too much  Evita (lol). But I do feel he was robbed of a solo. And what's wrong with a little Duran Duran anyways??

In last week's episode, we thought that Kurt going to Dalton was going to be for the better. And while on the surface it seems like it is (ie. Kurt not having to fear for his life at McKinley from scary football bully guy!) we start to see that perhaps he might also need to sacrifice his individuality to be part of Dalton's Warblers. "More of a team player" as Blaine said...hm...

(Speaking of Kurt and Rachel, I thought the whole exchange before their sectional showdown was very cute. It made Rachel actually likeable!)

Now, let's talk about Puck...what's up with Puck lately? It seems like he's lost some of his mojo (though I do admire him not wanting to hurt Finn again by stopping himself from making out with Rachel). He just seems to be off his game and I felt sorry for him, getting thown in the awful port-a-potty, only to be rescued by wrestler girl...And why is scary football bully guy allowed to be back on the football team and be all "nothing's wrong"? Is that really how they're going to leave that? No! I'm hoping there is some sort of upcoming vindication! Seriously. And adding to my outrage: Where was Sue?!

Also, in other couple's news: that was sweet of Artie to give Brittany the "magic comb" to help her get over her fear of leading the Glee club to victory with her dancing...and kind of hilarious that it wasn't even his comb, but a comb that he was gonna throw out in the garbage! haha!! ("You let me comb my hair with it?!")Oh Brittany, you're so funny!!! Then it was sad when Artie thought Brittany was cheating on him, because she even admitted it! But then we find out she had misunderstood Artie when he accused her of adultery ("I thought it meant being stupid. Like an adult") and really wasn't cheating on him. So cute! I like those two together. And it also turns out that Tina and Mike are alright too. Although we get it, you're asian. No need to name your kiss an "Asian kiss?" (wha?? Unless of course it's a "thing" like Carrie and Berger's "Hollywood Kiss"?) 

Yay to Emma coming back...(ps. I LOVED her striped coat) and for suggesting to Mr. Schu that he was a little too predictable when it came to the New Directions. I was glad to see the change-up of Quinn and Sam taking over the leads with "(I've Had) The Time of My Life" (though, the opening still seemed very "Finn and Rachel opening at Regionals" didn't it?) Truthfully, having Quinn and Sam do the leads was not really different from having the two usuals do it, because everything else was the same...but I still liked that they got a chance in the spotlight. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought/hoped they were gonna do the whole dance routine from Dirty Dancing. ("Nobody puts Baby in the corner!") Indeed.

It was also nice to hear Santana getting a solo, singing "Valerie" (? I don't really know that song!) ...though I didn't quite understand the little hat with veil (I hearted it very much, mind you, but I just didn't get it). And speaking of wardrobe - I also didn't care for it. The dresses alone were aight, but not in combo with the leggings and the guys outfits of inexplicable burgundy shirts. Just confusing...although not as confusing as when the Hipsters were singing - was that that lady's real voice? It sounded too young for her ("She's too tall for him"- Ocean's Eleven. Random. Sorry.) I mean, it didn't sound like it was her voice...And finally, the Warbler's song "Hey, Soul Sister". eh. Though I enjoy the blending, I didn't really love the song...perhaps its because I can't stand that they're trying to make Kurt "just another Warbler". I sense a return to the New Directions before long...(ps. Did anyone else notice that little horse head pin on Kurt's lapel!?)

And just when we thought everything was gonna be alright (the Gleeks and Warblers tied and would both be going to Regionals!) we got a series of grenades dropped on us: Emma and Dr. Carl (aka Uncle Jesse) got married in Vegas! Finn broke up with Rachel! AHHHHH! My head's exploding!

(Also I'm glad we got a little peek of "the finest dentist alive" (again, have mercy!) I thought all we'd get to see was Emma's new name plate.)

So some things for us to think about: Will Finn and Rachel get back together? What will happen to the leads? Will Quinn and Sam be the new Finn and Rachel? Will Finn hook up with Santana and give us Fantana (no, that sounds like a drink...) I mean, Sinn? (Yeah, that sounds better). Will Kurt come back to face Scary Football Bully guy? Will Blaine and Kurt ever get together? Will Puck get his mojo back? Will Brittany ever give us more "Britney"??!! So many questions so little time!

Next week - the last episode of the year... (wah!!) but it's the Christmas one and I'm looking forward to hearing the songs from their CD (esp. a certain duet!)..so until then, my friends, G'night!

PS. I forgot to add my thoughts re: the last song of this episode "Dog Days are Over": Another "eh" from me. I hate it when I don't know the song. So sue me.

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