So I got this wonderful 40% off coupon for any regular priced item at the Gap!
Fortunately, the item I want is regular price 49.50!
Unfortunately, the item I want is not in the store.
Fortunately, they do have it on the website!
Unfortunately, I need to get it shipped.
Fortunately, there is free shipping!
Unfortunately, it’s only free shipping if its over 50.00.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Gleecap: No the Party Don't Start Til I Walk In...
There were a number of things I enjoyed in this episode of Glee, not the least of which was Rachel’s absurd Ode to her Headband song. I mean, I love a good headband, what could be bad about a song about headbands? (except for when she rhymed "do" with "do". Um, no.) Hilare.
From the previous episode, Rachel had come up with the idea that she wanted the Glee club to perform an original song and set out to write it. Unfortunately, since she hadn’t “lived” yet, all she can write about is her headbands…so Rachel decides she needs to have some life experience aka “have a party and get drunk”. Also, from last week’s previews we knew that there would be a kiss between Rachel and Blaine (much to Kurt’s chagrin!) and Artie “making it rain” dollar bills on Brittany!
So the first thing I liked, (or second, as the case may be) was Principal Figgins calling Ke$ha – “KE dollar sign Ha” (LOL!!!) Then we also got to see Rachel’s basement which of course contained a portrait of her and obviously, a mini stage…(but what the hell was she wearing?! It was awful!! It reminded me of a bad, bad bridesmaid dress from the 70’s.) But! It’s okay because she makes up for it with one of her outfits later on…
So, once the real party gets started (ie. after they talk Rachel out of the 2-ticket wine cooler minimum) we see our favorite Gleeks WASTED (high voice), and it’s pretty comical! Finn correctly describes each type of girl drunk (NOTE: During my “famous years” (circa 1996-98) I’m pretty sure I was each one of those types…ah, Scandals…) Oh, and I like that Far East Movement’s “Like a G6” song too (much better than their new “Rocketeer” song). Tipsy Rachel decides its time for a rousing game of Spin the Bottle and she ends up kissing Blaine…which leads to (yes!) their duet of an 80’s favorite: “Don’t You Want Me” (LOVE). Also, yay for Blaine not doing an acapella song with the Warblers this week!
The following Monday, the Gleeks are STILL hungover from the party (haha – because we all know how this feels! True story: The day after one such party, I had to get up for church the next morning (because my parents said “Oh, you can go to the party, but you better be up and ready to go to church in the morning!”) and do a scripture READING, in front of the whole congregation. I seriously thought I was up there for 2 hours. It wasn’t easy! You try and look like you’re not dry-heaving while reading the Bible.) And then Artie breaks into “Blame it on the A – a – a – a – a – alcohol” which turns into a performance and Sam is hilariously sitting on a rotating banquette with his shades on (and doesn’t actually appear to be singing) but the whole performance is awesome anyways. Mr. Schu loves it (and so do I) but reminds them that it doesn’t really carry the right message for the Alcohol Awareness assembly that’s coming up. The Glee kids call him on being a hypocrite about drinking and he starts to get depressed about the stuff going on in his life. Enter our favorite Coach Bieste who decides to take him to her fave “honky-tonk” bar to lift his spirits. Will has a grand old time, riding the electric bull, duetting with Coach Bieste “One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer” and also getting WASTED (high voice). Coach Bieste brings him home (thankfully, no drunken night of passion – I wouldn’t be able to look at them the same after that) but there is some drunk paper grading and of course drunk dialing…Unfortunately, as we all know, it wasn’t to Emma as he intended.
Meanwhile, Rachel has decided that after her drunken kiss with Blaine, that she’s “in love” and asks him out. He accepts, but Kurt is upset that Blaine would entertain the notion that he may be bi! Blaine becomes upset that Kurt of all people would get mad at him for trying to figure out who he is…
We still have the Anti-Alcohol Assembly where the kids are performing to KE Dollar Sign Ha’s “Tik (and also) Tok” (haha! Principal Figgins!) Brittany is AWESOME. (And much less stinky looking (sorry) than the real Ke$ha). But everyone is nervous, so Rachel, the new alcoholic, has mixed a cocktail of sorts (including crushed up oreos and cough syrup) which she states will take the edge off and make them perform better. We know where this is going. Cue the vomiting, which for some reason is an awful shade of grey? Though Mr. Schu admonishes the kids for being drunk, he gets a bit of public humiliation himself, as the true receiver of his drunk dialing was to one Ms. Sue Sylvester, who plays the whole message over the school addressing system. (Becky is hilarious with the xylophone – reminds me of Blanche in Grease!) However, in the end, Principal Figgins thanks Will and the Glee Kids (thinking the whole thing was an act) and its Frozen Yogurt coupons for all! Oh, and Mr. Schu makes a touching pledge with the kids to never drink and always be there if they ever need him for a ride if they do get drunk. (though he asks them to promise they won’t drink before Nationals).
And last but not least, Rachel has had a successful date with boyfriend potential Blaine (“who can keep up with me vocally and in the future give me vaguely Eurasian looking children”) where they saw a revival of Love Story and dressed like the characters (which is the outfit that totally makes up for that mint green monstrosity earlier – I heart “Jenny & Oli Love Story outfits”!). However, after a non-drunken kiss, Blaine thanks her for showing him that he really IS gay (Kurt is elated!) and Rachel? Well, Rachel gets the life-experience she needs to compose her first real song. Can’t wait to hear it!
Until then...please remember: Friends don’t let friends drink and drunk dial!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The "Glee-ber" Experience
What did we think of last night’s episode of Glee? For myself – it was “meh”. Nothing compared to their episode last week! This week’s episode saw the return of Emma and Sue, which normally would be something exciting but this week left something to be desired. (Also, where is Dr. Carl, aka Uncle Jesse/John Stamos??! Perhaps he's the thing that was "desired". LOL at my own joke! haha!)
So…it looks like although Sam believes Quinn’s story about “saving” Finn from choking on a gumball, he is worried enough that he might be losing her to him as well. And normally I LOVE Finn, but this week, I was irritated with his scoffing and eye-rolling. Sam as “The Bieber Experience” was funny – he nailed it with the Perpel hoodie and kicks. It was cute (though nothing is as cute as the Biebs!) His rendition of “Baby” was not bad either, but it definitely did not hold a candle to the real thing. The dancing was funny because it was bad, but perhaps it was on purpose? Also it seemed like a lot of the best lines this week revolved around the size of his mouth – “Dude, that hair cut makes your mouth look even bigger” and “Despite the fact that your mouth to face ratio is WAY off, you still somehow manage to look cute”. (LOL, Oh Santana! Also LOL to Sam and his James Earl Jones impression!) Though Sue did rattle off a great one with “We’ve gotta get that girl on the Cheerios!”. Hahaha!! Anyways, back to the Bieber Experience – Sam: “We think this song is an anthem because everything the Bieber does is epic” Artie: “Truth!” (haha!)
I think “Somebody to Love” fared a bit better, if only for Puck’s flicking of his wig and also Mike Chang’s abs, obviously. (I meant dance moves. Yes.)
There was the Diva-off between Rachel and Mercedes singing to “Take me or Leave me” from the musical, Rent, to which my husband (who claims he doesn’t watch) stated “But I thought they were friends?” In the end, Sue’s plan to turn them against each other backfired with the two resident divas ending the song equally admiring of the other’s talent.
I didn’t care for Lauren Zizes’ (is it Zices or Cices or Cizes?) song “I Know What Boys Like”. This is not so much a commentary about her singing as it is a commentary about the song. I really never liked that song (even when it was “in”) so I’m not really surprised I didn’t care for it now either. And seriously, even if she is a big girl, can they not dress her in something a tiny bit more stylish? I’m tired of bigger girls not having anything good to wear. (Seriously, bigger girls also have style, people!) Also, I thought Puck agreed to take things “slow” with her last week and this week, he’s again trying to get into her pants. Enough.
Elsewhere, Rachel has paid Brittany to pretty much start dressing like her (“Sexy School Girl Librarian Chic”) as a new way to gain popularity? to start a new trend or comeback of sorts? I don’t know. It actually kind of works in that the girls in the school end up following Brittany’s new way of dressing. (Those carousel horse sweaters! Where can I get one??) Brittany even states she got photographed and was on the Sartorialist. (LOL) Unfortunately for Rachel, no one believes that this is her style (“Who wears a reindeer on their sweater?!”)
Sue and her dramatic “Sue-icide” was kind of funny (trying to OD on gummy vitamins?!)…but it was touching when Will brought her to sing with the sick kids. (Did I see a little tear in her eye? Aw - I love it when we see glimpses of Sue's human side.) However, I didn’t care for the last song, “Sing” and was confused by the inexplicable lumberjack/plaid outfits (though I did appreciate the plaid adidas track suit and I always heart those fur-lined hats). After this I kind of dozed off a bit (but I’m blaming this on the Day-After Valentime’s Dinner I had earlier) so I’m not sure what transpired – though I did manage to see Sam break up with Quinn and become Santana’s boyfriend (I knew it!). I also heard that Sue became the new director of Aural Intensity which should be interesting too.
I missed seeing Kurt and Blaine this episode and am glad they will be back in next week’s! Until then my fellow Gleeks, as the Biebs would say "Now I'm all gone, gone, gone, I'm gone..."
Hermanos - Will you be my Valentime?
Yesterday we had our Day-After Valentime’s Day Dinner. (Again, yes, I know it says Valentime’s and not Valentine’s. That’s what I call it – get over it.) Anyways, while Valentime’s day is a day filled with love, red hearts, pink cookies, sweet chocolates and $100 rose bouquets, the day AFTER Valentime’s day is when we go out to celebrate it. My husband and I eschew celebrating it on the actual day and instead go out the day after (to avoid the “love-happy” v-day crowds and over-priced entrée specials). Every year we usually go to Bistro 7 ¼ with my sister and brother in law. However, last night we decided to try out Hermano’s instead. We weren’t disappointed! (Well, I mean, after we sat down and ordered that is). Unfortunately, the “welcome” wasn’t as welcoming as we hoped.
I had made reservations and it was really easy to make them on their website so I was happy about that. But like a blind date, it began awkwardly: When we first arrived, I went in first, as my sister parked and my brother in law and husband went to pay for parking. A server saw me and acknowledged me, but I guess since the rest of my party wasn’t there yet, he didn't actually come and talk to me. I figured he would come back when they arrived. When they did get there, unfortunately, he wasn't there and other servers were running around but either not noticing us or ignoring us, so we were left standing there for quite awhile. Finally, the same guy saw us again (almost like he'd never seen me before!) and asked how many in our party. (Um...4? Since there were only 4 of us standing there by the entrance?) Anyways, we were shown to our seats, and I decided that I wouldn't let the initial confusion ruin our night. My brother in law wasn’t able to pay for parking with the 5.00 bill he had and needed to get change, so he went back up to the bar. Unfortunately, the harried server of the lounge was apparently too busy to help him...but she did take the time to tell him so…(hm…). Finally another server saw him and was able to help him out. Thank goodness!
Finally, our "date" with Hermano could get started. We settled in, ordered our drinks and checked out the menu...
We were intrigued by what Hermano had to offer... we had all checked out the menu beforehand and had an idea of what we wanted to order. We ended up ordering a couple of what they called their “large boards” (good for 2-3 people). We were really hungry so we started with a small antipasto plate which consisted of cheeses, bread, a bit of chorizo sausage, grilled red peppers, a tomato/hearts of palm salad, pickled artichoke hearts and spicy pickled eggplant. This was really good and a small plate was perfect to share for the 4 of us. We started to relax as we "got to know" Hermano a little bit more. (We were so hungry though, we forgot to take a pic!)
The "date" got even better when the food came….The first large board was the “La Cabrera” which was a 24 oz. ribeye (yum-o) which came with roasted veggies, mashed potatoes and port reduced mushrooms and bacon. The second board was the “Tango Mixed Grill” which included rib-eye skewers, chile lime ribs, chorizo sausage, chicken skewers and lamb chops, in addition to the same fixins at the top. We also added some cachaca shrimp as well. We were charmed by Hermano's flavors...
Well the rib-eye was cooked to a perfect medium and was delicious. Also included was the famous Chimichuri salsa which we ended up calling “Jimmy Choo” sauce and we put it on everything. It was delicioso!
The amount of food itself was actually perfect for the four of us. We were full, but not to the point of ridiculousness. We were so charmed by dinner, Hermano was able to sweet talk us into dessert! There were 4 different desserts, so we ordered two kinds: The Tempura Banana Split with chocolate, vanilla and strawberry gelato and the “Black Gold” which was a rich, Peruvian dark chocolate cake served with Dulce de leche and chai crème anglaise. OMG. SO good. The tempura'd bananas were light and crispy and the gelatos were topped with rich chocolate ganache... The cake was good too - the 2 guys inhaled it (and these guys NEVER eat dessert!). Their only comment? They need to serve it with a tall glass of cold milk! I'm pretty sure our enthusiasm with the dessert, led the table beside us to order one too! LOL.
So after playing "hard to get" Hermanos did become our Valentime! Even though the service wasn’t as friendly at the beginning of the night (H was just getting to know us, after all), it was outweighed by the perfect steak and ended deliciously with the wonderful desserts! We've decided to give Hermanos another chance, and will be going on a second date (without the pressure of V-Day, or Day after V-day).
I love happy endings!
I had made reservations and it was really easy to make them on their website so I was happy about that. But like a blind date, it began awkwardly: When we first arrived, I went in first, as my sister parked and my brother in law and husband went to pay for parking. A server saw me and acknowledged me, but I guess since the rest of my party wasn’t there yet, he didn't actually come and talk to me. I figured he would come back when they arrived. When they did get there, unfortunately, he wasn't there and other servers were running around but either not noticing us or ignoring us, so we were left standing there for quite awhile. Finally, the same guy saw us again (almost like he'd never seen me before!) and asked how many in our party. (Um...4? Since there were only 4 of us standing there by the entrance?) Anyways, we were shown to our seats, and I decided that I wouldn't let the initial confusion ruin our night. My brother in law wasn’t able to pay for parking with the 5.00 bill he had and needed to get change, so he went back up to the bar. Unfortunately, the harried server of the lounge was apparently too busy to help him...but she did take the time to tell him so…(hm…). Finally another server saw him and was able to help him out. Thank goodness!
Finally, our "date" with Hermano could get started. We settled in, ordered our drinks and checked out the menu...
We were intrigued by what Hermano had to offer... we had all checked out the menu beforehand and had an idea of what we wanted to order. We ended up ordering a couple of what they called their “large boards” (good for 2-3 people). We were really hungry so we started with a small antipasto plate which consisted of cheeses, bread, a bit of chorizo sausage, grilled red peppers, a tomato/hearts of palm salad, pickled artichoke hearts and spicy pickled eggplant. This was really good and a small plate was perfect to share for the 4 of us. We started to relax as we "got to know" Hermano a little bit more. (We were so hungry though, we forgot to take a pic!)
The "date" got even better when the food came….The first large board was the “La Cabrera” which was a 24 oz. ribeye (yum-o) which came with roasted veggies, mashed potatoes and port reduced mushrooms and bacon. The second board was the “Tango Mixed Grill” which included rib-eye skewers, chile lime ribs, chorizo sausage, chicken skewers and lamb chops, in addition to the same fixins at the top. We also added some cachaca shrimp as well. We were charmed by Hermano's flavors...
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Our Yummy Dinner "Boards" |
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The aftermath |
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Our Desserts! |
I love happy endings!
Friday, February 11, 2011
A Totally Fab YEAR.
Happy 1 Year Anniversary my Fab Lifers!
Yup, one year ago today I decided the world needed to read about my totally fab life (and apparently my thoughts on Glee! :)). And it all started with a pair of dream boots. Since then I think I’ve found another 7 pairs of dream boots, but hey! Life is always a journey and you’re gonna need some fashionable footwear to walk it! My second post I believe was about lists. I’m all about lists and as such I’ve decided to give you a list to celebrate my first year as a "blogger". LOL. So here it is:
The Top 10 Way to Have a Totally Fab Life
10. If it’s on sale and its in your size, BUY IT. Don’t even think about it. Just buy it. (Especially if it’s 50% off or more. You better already be at the counter paying for it. Or else.)
9. If you don’t buy it right away and it’s still there waiting for you the next time you go back, you were meant to be together.
8. It’s okay to be shallow (if you’re secretly a genius).
7. If you go to a restaurant and your food looks good, take a picture of it! It makes others jealous. (hee hee)
6. If you make a fool of yourself, tell your friends. It’s makes it THAT much funnier! (What’s the use of falling at Walmart if you can’t tell your friends how stupid you looked?)
5. Make a list – it can totally organize your thoughts and your life. (And make you a tiny bit obsessed with crossing things off of it.)
4. Wear comfortable shoes!! Trust me, you are not going to look fab if your face is contorted in pain. (It may even help you get a job).
3. Avoid food courts if you are bad at decision making. (Aaahhhh! Too. Many. Choices!!!)
2. Have some fear of hotel authority – they’re the ones that decide if your view is a brick wall.
1. Always, always, insist upon yourself.
Thanks to all you guys (“followers” of my blog) for reading my silly posts. Also, a big shout out to ALL of my international followers too (What up, Denmark!) I hope I make you chuckle at least once in awhile (or at least keep you up to date on how I felt about the latest episode of Glee). Also, can you guys please comment once in a while? It validates me : )
One more thing: if you are a celebrity (preferably A-list, but I’ll take B, C and even D-list. No wait, not D-list) and you read this, I am still looking for celebrity endorsement. Thanks.
One more thing: if you are a celebrity (preferably A-list, but I’ll take B, C and even D-list. No wait, not D-list) and you read this, I am still looking for celebrity endorsement. Thanks.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Glee and Love are 4-letter words. In a good way.
Okay, I love, love, LOVED this episode!
I know I say that about almost every episode, but I really, really loved this one. I don't know what it was - a combination of the hilarious voice overs, the priceless one-liners, the music, the love.
Yup, love was in the air at McKinley High this week as Valentine's day descended upon our favorite Gleeks!
It began with a voice over from Puck, who we see, is head over heels for one Miss Lauren Cices. However, unlike most girls, does not fall for his usual charming ways. When she saved him from the garbage bin (in a previous episode), he promised her "7 minutes in Heaven". Unfortunately for him, she couldn't even last 3 minutes in the janitor's closet with him. Because he sucked. Anyways, he spends pretty much the whole episode mooning over her and trying to get her to go out with him to Breadstix, but she ain't havin it. She thwarts each and every one of his usual moves and even his singing to her doesn't sway her. She doesn't think he's "ready for this jelly" (LOL!) She may be bad ass, but she finally tells him that if he really likes her she would like to take it slow - she doesn't just want to be a one-night stand.
Meanwhile, our new MVP, Finn is (in his voice-over) finally "ruling the school". Or at least has all the girls swooning over him. With the kiss from Quinn still fresh in his mind, he figures that if he could just get her to kiss him again, she'd fall back in love with him and leave Sam. And he's pretty confident about it too. So much so, he's decided that to get it to happen, he'll open a kissing booth and in the process also raise money for charity (in this case New Directions). Enter the first of the great one-liners (most of which came from the awesomely bitchy Santana!). Upon hearing Finn state he would charge a $1.00 per kiss, she states a kiss from him is not worth a buck. However, she'd "gladly pay $100 to jiggle one of his man boobs." OMG. Ba hahahaha!!! (Funny to me because my sister has been telling me for ages that she thinks that Finn has man boobs. I keep defending him saying that his sweater is just baggy...or those are just his pecs...or the camera angle is weird). The next hilarious one-liner comes almost right away when everyone begins to get on Santana for being so bitchy and Tina tells us that Santana just said Mr. Schu needs to be in a 12-step program. Because he's "addicted to vests". BA HA HAHAHA!!! So true. She says she is just trying to keep it "real". LOL
We also got to see more of Kurt and Blaine! (Kurtaine? Blurt? Hm..I'll have to think about that one.) Yay! After that little taste on Sunday's episode, I was happy to see more than 5 minutes devoted to this dynamic duo. We find out that Blaine is in love, but unfortunately for Kurt, it's not with him, but some junior manager at the Gap. Boo. Poor Kurt - he comes to a realization that he may have had the whole "Blaine loves Kurt love affair" in his head (at a Diva Sleepover with Mercedes and Rachel). But Kurt, who seems to have become wiser in the ways of unrequited love encourages Blaine to serenade his true love when he starts to chicken out. Another awesome one liner: "If he and I got married, the Gap would give me a 50% discount." (SO True! Friends, I know of which he speaks, as my own beloved husband used to work at the Gap. It's probably one of the top 10 reasons I married him. Maybe top 5. I was devastated when he quit. But I digress...)
Back to Finn's lover lips kissing booth: Sam sees Quinn and Finn talking and starts to worry - he tells her he's pretty but he ain't dumb. Aw...(just like Nate on GG. lol). She denies any feelings and to prove it, tells him she will kiss Finn. She and Finn kiss (in front of Sam) and...literally, Fireworks. (Are Finn and Quinn really meant to be?!) Quinn runs back to whisper to Finn to meet her in the auditorium the next day. Meanwhile, Rachel puts down her dollar, also thinking that if Finn would just kiss her again, he'd realize he missed her and would want to get back together. Finn just gives her a kiss on the cheek. "What the hell?! On the cheek?! That wasn't a dollar kiss!" (Is this the end of Finnchel?!) Instead of a love triangle it's like a square. What's going on here?
Elsewhere, in the land of "Blissfully in Love" we have Mike Chang and Tina, and Artie and Brittany...and a fun rendition of "PYT". It was cute, but at first when Artie started singing, I thought it was to Mike Chang. It was a little bit weird. Tina is so in love with Mike Chang she could cry. And she totally does, while singing "My Funny Valentine". (PS. Why is she dressed like Olive Oyl?)
In the meantime, Santana gives a receipt to Puck - "I went to Jared" (hahaha!!!) but gets into a cat fight with Lauren. Later, (in her voice over) she realizes that Quinn is cheating with Finn (she knows the signs, because she does it all the time) and because she's irritated about not being with anyone on Valentine's Day, decides to ruin everyone else's. She kisses some guy in the infirmary to get mono, kisses Finn, who of course kisses with Quinn. Uh oh...we know where this is going.
So after enlisting the Warblers to help him serenade his Gap guy, (I didn't hate the song - though I didn't really know it.) he later finds out that "it was all in his head". The Gap guy doesn't reciprocate his feelings and alas - what goes around comes around. He and Kurt are pretty much in the same situation. Kurt bravely reveals that he thought that Blaine was in love with him and calls him on his flirtsky ways. (As an aside, why do guys do that? They are all flirtsky and make you think they are just as in love with you, then when you fall in love with them, and tell them so, they get all shocked and claim they are "clueless" and tell you they just thought you were "friends". Hm. Sounds familiar...My husband did the SAME thing. But I strong-armed him into loving me, so it's all good now. Haha just kidding! He knew he was hooked on me right from the beginning...But again, I digress).
And even though her heart was broken after finding out Finn didn't feel the same fireworks when kissing her as he felt when kissing Quinn, Rachel's rendition of Fireworks was glorious! (WAY better than Katy Perry's version!) Mercedes was right (as per their conversation during the diva sleepover).
Finally, at Breadstix, we see everyone (minus Finn and Quinn) at Kurt's Lonely Hearts Club Dinner. But even though not everyone is in love, it doesn't seem that anyone is really lonely. (Aw!!!) The Warbler's last song "Silly Love Songs" was perfect. And what was that look between Santana and Sam????
Yup, this was a really good episode. It was silly and cute, sweet and bittersweet, funny and comforting. I can't say enough how much I enjoyed it. (I had to watch it twice and take notes the second time, just so I wouldn't miss anything I wanted to say on this post. Yes, I'm a G(L)eek.)
And next week: Glee finally jumps on the Bieber Bandwagon (what took them so long?!) and Sue becomes part of New Directions?! (Can't wait!)
Until then...I'll be downloading the songs from tonight's episode!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Superbowl XLV and Glee: Which half-time show did you like better?
Quinn and Finn…again?!
Well let’s face it, Finn is super delicious, but I thought Quinn and Sam were happy together? Okay, wait a minute, let’s back it up for a moment.
The Superbowl – what did you think? Did your team win? I thought it was a good game, but I guess since I wasn’t totally invested in either team, it didn’t matter to me as much. I slightly favored the Steelers, but sorry to say – any team I choose, usually loses (sorry – I’m bad luck that way). I think I just chose the Steelers because I knew who their quarterback was. I had no idea who the Packers QB was and I kept asking throughout most of the game. Anyways, I was more interested in the half-time show. I do enjoy the Black Eyed Peas – I don’t know why everyone is all hating on their half-time show. It wasn’t awful and at least it wasn’t old school singers from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. I mean really. I didn’t understand the whole Slash thing, but whatevs. Usher wasn’t bad, he did do the splits which explains his low crotch “white pants, white pants, who’s wearing white pants?” pants. For the most part, I was happy they did their new song, because I enjoy the “Dirty bits” part (and the running man!) Also, I liked the whole glow in the dark outfits thing. As for the singers before the actual game: Lea Michelle singing America the Beautiful wasn’t bad either. She belted it out and it was good. I’m always concerned that someone is going to forget the words. And…apparently someone did. I just finished saying “My worst fear if I was singing in front of a humongous crowd of over 100,000 people and millions of television viewers would be to forget the lyrics of the National Anthem” and lo and behold, Christina Aguilera did just that. Oh well, it had to happen right? And I’m sure someone in Vegas won big money on that one! As for the Superbowl Commercials – I was slightly grossed out by a couple of them: That guy sucking on that other guy’s finger in the Doritos commercial and the Joan Rivers in the one. (I still don’t know what Go Daddy is – I don’t really care to find out either). I missed the Justin Bieber one (boo) and I would just see parts of other commercials, so I can’t say there’s anything that totally wowed me. Anyways…enough football talk. Truthfully the only reason I watched the game (other than Superbowl party food!) was because I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss the Glee episode following the game.
Well, Glee got right back into it with a full on Katy Perry-esque “California Gurls” rendition by the Cheerios complete with blue wigs and fire shooting out of cheerleader megaphone bras. It may have wowed us, but Sue Sylvester wasn’t having any of it. Even having the Cheerios slap each other with chicken cutlets didn’t put a smile on her face. She decided the only thing that could possibly get her excited again was having poor Brittany shoot out of a cannon. Brittany, to her credit, didn’t want to sign her life away (or at least until One Tree Hill got cancelled). Meanwhile, the in-fighting between the football guys and the Glee football guys was getting worse. How upsetting was it to see the slushie assault on Artie?! Coach Bieste and Mr. Schu decided they were going to fix it “Philippine Prison Style” by having the Football guys join the Gleeks during the half-time show performing a mash-up of Thriller and Heads will Roll. Scary Football bully guy was resistant (along with the others) but after some encouragement by Mr. Schu, he found that he didn’t mind it. In fact, dare we say, he even enjoyed it! So much so, he suggested a warm-up number with just the football guys! Everything was peachy keen, with everyone working together until…the mulleted Hockey guys gave them a taste of their own “slushie” medicine. After this the football guys decided they wanted no part of the whole football halftime show, even if it meant they couldn’t play in the championship game.
As a brief interlude (as well as a chance to show us Kurt, since by this time we all must have been saying “What? Where’s Kurt?!”) the Dalton Warblers gave us their rendition of “Bills, Bills, Bills”. It was okay – I mean, the first time we saw the Warblers do their “Teenage Dream” thing, we were all “Wow!” but everytime they are on, doesn’t it seem like they keep doing the same thing? I’m over it. I want more Kurt. How about another duet with Blaine, instead of the whole acapella thing? (On a side note, did anyone else tear up when Chris Colfer, who plays darling Kurt, won at the Golden Globes? I must say, I loved his speech. It was a perfect mix of surprise, modesty and poise. Love him!)
Meanwhile, Sue had convinced Brittany that the “baby cannons” were going to go hungry if she didn't get shot from the cannon. Sue also arranged for the national cheerleading competition to coincide with the big game, which meant, Quinn, Santana and Brittany were also going to be missing from the half-time show! Finn tried to convince Quinn to quit the Cheerios, which lead to a shoulder shoving match with Sam. (Quinn thought it was kinda hot. LOL)
Anyways…back to the big game. Or lack of it, since it looked like the football team was going to have to forfeit due to the fact half of them weren't going to be playing. Enter our Glee girls (minus the 3 Cheerios) who decided they were going to go on the field as “players” just so there would be a full team. They weren’t actually going to play, and at first it seemed like a good idea…but it wasn't winning them the game. So at one point Tina got up and started running with the ball! Unfortunately she got tackled and knocked out! She luckily woke up and asked “Did we win?” to the relief of Mike Chang and everyone else. Finally "Leader" Finn decided enough was enough - he convinced the 3 Cheerios to forget about the cheerleading competition (and stand up to a speechless Sue!) and join the Glee club on the field as fellow zombies for the half-time show. He also dispatched Puck to convince the football guys to do the same (minus Karofsky). The team (in full out Zombie gear) finally reunited took to the field for the Thriller that was the half-time show. Even Karofsky was so taken in by the excitement of the crowd that he decided to join in! Of course after this, the team was unstoppable (pretty much creeping the other team out by chanting “Brains, Brains, BRAINS!”) and went on to win the Championship!
But just when you thought singing and dancing was enough to make everyone happy, reality once again set in when Finn asked Karofsky to apologize to Kurt, he angrily refused and once again, scary football bully guy returned. Quinn however, was impressed with Finn’s leadership and perserverance. Which led to a kiss between Quinn and Finn...
Is this a new beginning for Quinn and Finn? What’s going to happen with Sam? What will Rachel do when she finds out? Will Karofsky ever stop being a jerk? Will we ever see Kurt again!? I guess we'll have to tune in to this Tuesday's episode to find out...See you then!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Shopping Heaven in Paradise
So yeah, 9 days in Hawaii, 750.00 limit. It was totally doable.
We just didn’t take account the proximity to the mall. It was too easy to just “take a quick jaunt to the mall”!
It had all the big players: Louis, Chanel, Gucci, Fendi, Dior, Burberry, Hermes, Miu Miu, Jimmy and Tory. They had Neiman and Nordstrom and Macy’s (oh my!). They had Coach, Banana Republic, J. Crew, Metropark, Express, Lulu, Gap, Bebe, Forever, Aldo, Nine West and Lacoste and so many more. Whatever store you could think of, they pretty much had.
It had all the big players: Louis, Chanel, Gucci, Fendi, Dior, Burberry, Hermes, Miu Miu, Jimmy and Tory. They had Neiman and Nordstrom and Macy’s (oh my!). They had Coach, Banana Republic, J. Crew, Metropark, Express, Lulu, Gap, Bebe, Forever, Aldo, Nine West and Lacoste and so many more. Whatever store you could think of, they pretty much had.
We were in total shopping heaven. It was overwhelming.
We decided to spread it out and took our time. We thought “We can’t spend all our money in one day!!!” (though it seriously would’ve been easy to.) So the first day we took it slow…
My first stop: Jimmy Choo – I got some fab, fab, FAB flats (for 50% off no less!) The guy who sold them to me was really nice and it was a perfect first place to shop in Hawaii. A good omen of things to come…
I had already decided beforehand that I wasn’t going to make any “big ticket item” purchases so it was going well for me. I didn’t really have a set wish list either, so there were really no “missions” that I was on. If I found something I liked, I’d buy it.
However, I found too many things I liked!
By the end of the trip, in addition to my J. Choos I got:
However, I found too many things I liked!
By the end of the trip, in addition to my J. Choos I got:
2 Tory Burch sweaters, a pair of Calvin Klein jeans, a pair of cool green (“artichoke”) Uggs, Marc Jacob aviators, 2 tops, a pair of harem capris, a skirt and dress from Forever, a scarf, teal leather gloves and a coin purse from Coach, and a Hello Kitty beach towel.
As for the big ticket item I wasn’t supposed to get…
There was a redunk sale at Burberry and Hello?! I got a bag for 50% off! Obvi, I HAD to get it! (But that was my b’day present, so I’m going to say it doesn’t really count).
And even though I wasn't able to completely stay within my limits it was still, all in all, definitely a successful trip to Hawaii.
Oh, and we went to the beach TWICE this time, so there.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
This is the life...the totally fab life!
Hi Fab Lifers! I know, I know, it's been awhile...however, I did think about you all as I lay on the beach in sunny Hawaii...Yes I said, Hawaii. That's how I roll in my totally fab life. haha!
Ah, Hawaii, it's amazing to think that on Friday I was wearing a tank top and flip flops and today I'm back to Uggs and mitts. What the deuce?! I kept saying to my husband "I can't believe that it can be hot and sunny in one part of the world and snowing in another." Craziness.
Last time I went to Hawaii 10 years ago I got a lot of flack about only going to the beach once (I was at the mall every other day for that week). Don't get me wrong, I also went to Pearl Harbor and attended a Luau...but that was about it. I figured the pool every morning was good enough for "water" and the walk to the mall was good for "sun". Plus the mall was pretty much an outdoor mall so that also counted as "sun". We also walked the Waikiki strip from time to time and it was fine by me. We had rice and pineapple at McDonalds too - so in my mind I had a successful Hawaiian trip. I didn't understand why everyone was on my case about not doing anything but shopping!
Anyways this time I decided to be different. It was gonna be a real holiday - relaxing by the pool or the beach and maybe perhaps going to the mall only once or twice. My mom was insistent that Hawaii was too expensive for us to be shopping all the time. I told her that she couldn't seriously ask me to NOT go shopping while we were there but my sister and I figured that since we were going to be gone for 9 days that we could at least just spend our exemption limit of $750.00. That seemed reasonable.
We arrived in Hawaii all ready to go to Pearl Harbour, the Dole Plantation, a Luau and of course relax on the beach and at the pool. There was only one tiny, miniscule little detail that might hamper my (and my sister's) resolve to not shop all the time...our hotel was attached by a walkway to the mall.
We were staying at the Ala Moana Hotel which was attached to the Ala Moana Shopping Center...the biggest mall in Hawaii. Oops! How did that happen? hehe...
We arrived in the evening and were picked up from the airport by my mom's relatives. As we drove my second (or was it third?) cousin explained that the weather previous to our arrival hadn't been that good and as such the beach wasn't going to be a great place to go as it had what they called "brown water" due to the rains and landslides. She thought that our next day would be a perfect day to check out the mall as it wasn't going to be perfect beach weather for us right away. We were slightly disappointed, but figured, at least we could get the mall out of the way and then spend the rest of the time relaxing at the beach.
The next day, as we woke up we saw that it wasn't sunny. It wasn't cloudy but we figured it wasn't a day to hang by the pool. Therefore, a perfect day to check out the mall...By the time we were ready, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, but we had already decided we were going to check out the mall. You know, get it over with. As we walked across the parking lot from our hotel to the mall (literally steps away) I thought to myself "$750.00 is a lot - I'm so going to be able to stay in that limit."
And I did...until our 3rd day.
To be continued...
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