Friday, October 1, 2010

Britney vs. Brittany!

Sorry my fellow Gleeks, I know this is kind of late and you've all probably read everyone ELSE's Glee recaps of the Brit vs. Brit episode. I've been extremely busy at work and at home this week and I've barely had time to even watch my shows! I'm behind on a couple of shows, but I hope to catch up tomorrow night.  And without further adieu...on to my (very) late Glee-cap!

So how did we feel about Tuesday night's highly anticipated Britney Spears episode of Glee? Was it as EPIC as I predicted? I personally believe it is a resounding "Oh Hellz Yeah!"

The Britney videos performed by Brittany, then Brittany and Santana and lastly Rachel were SO well done. Dare I say, better than even Ms. Spears herself?  First, Brittany was/is absolutely an amazing dancer and completely channeled snake-wielding Britney for the "I'm a Slave 4 U" video (and her other incarnations: "Oops I did it again Britney" and "Toxic Britney") ...Then in another anesthesia-induced haze, Brittany and Santana rocked the Madonna/Britney duet of "Me Against the Music". Craziness!! Santana definitely "Got up in my grill!" (LOL) Of course, Brittany is always the scene stealer and this episode was no exception! This girl always has the best lines. ("It's like a Jewish Cloud") And she delivers them so deadpan, that you can't NOT laugh! It was nice to see someone other than Rachel taking the spotlight. However, I have to say, my absolute favorite Britney-esque video was "Hit Me Baby One More Time" only because it was SO the original video. (Finn as the "basketball player") LOL.

And what did you think about the introduction of Uncle Jesse himself, John Stamos as Emma's dentist bf, Carl? ("Have mercy!") He is actually pretty hilarious and I have to say, he's still got it.

I don't know if I loved Artie's version of "Stronger", however, Glee always has this way of taking something silly, but giving it a deeper meaning. Like, you think the show is going to be all funny and light, but a lot of the time it throws in something that is even a little bit uncomfortable...(for example in last week's ep where Will and Sue are mean to the new football coach) One of my friends was so moved by it, she totally cried. (You know who you are...) Anyways, this week, it was Artie, who wants so badly to get back with Tina, that he wants to be on the football's like, you root for him, but how can he really compete with Mike Chang (and those abs!) Speaking of abs, did anyone else notice that background dancer girl in the "Hit Me Baby One More Time" vid? My husband kept yelling "EASY there ABS!" everytime she came on the screen. (Okay already, husband of mine, I get it, you admire her abs! Eye roll.) 

And lastly, "The Only Exception" which Rachel sings to Finn. Truthfully, who hasn't felt like her? Finally, getting the guy of her dreams, and then so unbelieving of her luck, being so scared of losing him! Of course she would find comfort in the fact that he wasn't "cool" anymore, that no other girl would give him a second look, now that he isn't the quarterback anymore, that he was a "loser" now, just like her. I almost melted when Finn tried to reassure her saying that when he got a touchdown, he would point to her in the stands so that everyone would know that she was HIS girlfriend. But of course that wasn't enough, and Rachel, being Rachel needed to have her own proof of his love, testing Finn's loyalty and fidelity by having Quinn proposition him and hearing for herself how he felt. It kind of gave me a bittersweet feeling. Then there was Mr. Schu sadly having to accept that he wasn't like Carl and that (for now, at least) Emma was no longer his and Terry (yikes! she's baaack!), terrifyingly calm in those big jackie-o sunglasses and that ridiculous but exquisite fur jacket (I want one!) reminding him (and us) that she's still there, waiting patiently until he realizes SHE is the one for him.

So how does a show manage to mix all of those above emotions, the excitement of those anesthesia-induced dance numbers, that nerdy guy's butt sweat on a chair, and a "sex riot"? Easy. It's Britney. Bitch.

Until next week... G'nite from G'Lee

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