Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Whenever I pray, I fall asleep."

I have to admit that last week, when they showed the preview for this week’s show, I wasn’t overly excited. I mean, I knew that it would still be good (c’mon, it’s Glee people), but I just didn’t want to have to think about religion on a Tuesday evening, watching my favorite show. I mean, I just feel like that kind of talk is for church on Sunday. Now don’t get me wrong, I love God and Jesus and I always try to be a good person (some days I even succeed!) and I definitely do not want to go to Hell (which I imagine to be a place where everything is regular price and nothing ever goes on sale), but I’m not overly religious on a daily basis…except maybe during Christmas, Holy Week and funerals. I do pray – but sometimes it’s like how Finn was praying to his Grilled Cheesus. (ie. “Please God, don’t let someone buy that last pair of ruffle booties in my size!”) So when they previewed this week’s show, I hoped it wouldn’t be overly “preachy”.

After watching the show…I have to say, it was just, okay.  There were some parts that were well done, but other parts were definitely a bit more “preachy”.

First, the good:
I love Kurt’s dad. I love how one would expect him to be all “rough around the edges”, but instead he’s sweet, kind and understanding. And even though he doesn’t quite understand him, he loves Kurt so unconditionally! My favorite song of this episode was when Kurt sang that beautiful and usually upbeat song, “I Wanna Hold Your Hand”. Heartbreaking. I enjoyed Mercedes first song “I Look at You”. Songs like that always have me tearing up. I also liked her “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” at church and how she was able to get Kurt to come to church by mentioning he could wear a fabulous hat! (“You had me at fabulous hat!”) The show also managed to throw in some laughs, courtesy of Finn’s Grilled Cheesus. The look on his face when Rachel let him touch her boob was so cute. He’s so adorably clueless. I didn’t mind his “Losing my Religion” – his voice was kind of raspy, and I didn’t think it was awful. Then there’s Sue. I always like it when they show us glimpses of “Nice Sue”. Even though we all love Mean Sue, its good to see that she’s human too, that perhaps she’s not always just being mean, for the sake of being mean, but that she’s someone of many layers. She’s not necessarily “good underneath” per se, but she is also not as cold as she would have us believe.

Now, the not so good:
Puck’s song “Only the Good Die Young” – I didn’t care for it. I like Puck’s voice, but I really just didn’t care for the song. Then Rachel with her rendition of Yentl’s “Papa Can You Hear Me?” I kind of thought it was a little too much. And I’ve also decided that I really don’t care for her bangs. I’m over them. Cut them or pin them back already.

I feel kind of indifferent about the last song “One of Us”, but I did like Tina singing the first part – she has a good voice, that I hope we will hear more of in the future.

All in all, some good singing, but a little too much “existential crisis” (is that the appropriate phrase?) this time. I suppose the title of my post sums it up - the show wasn't as exciting or as fun as it usually is. (One of my friends was even "annoyed" by it all - and she's the one who cries for EVERYTHING!) Anyways... like I said in my last recap: Glee always manages to mix in some laughs, and some seriousness, but this time perhaps a little too much seriousness? I’m so glad that Kurt’s dad is coming out of his coma. It would just be too much if he died. Tina said "Last week we were too sexy; this week we're too religious! We can't win!" However, from the previews for next week's show, it looks like we can expect something a little more light-hearted than this week's sombre episode. Thank God for that!

Until then...see ya next week my fellow Gleeks!
One last thing – was it just me, or did you all cringe when Finn ate the last half of his Grilled Cheesus? I mean, how old was the sandwich by then anyways?

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