Friday, August 6, 2010

You know what's annoying? Vol.1

Those days when you're getting ready and you just know it's gonna be one of those great days where your outfit works, your hair is perfect, you're lookin good and feelin good and you go out and you don't see anyone you know and you go home and you're like "What a waste". But then on the one day you go out lookin like a slob, thinking "I'm just goin out for a second" and you suddenly see everyone and their dog (including your ex) and you're like "Great".

Or how about when you inadvertently and effortlessly have a great outfit/hair day and then you try to re-create it on another day when you know you're going to see people and it doesn't work. So you try to remember what you did that other day and your hair gets all greasy because you're trying so hard to style it and your outfit just looks wrong because it really only worked that day that you had the great hair which only worked because you didn't think about it?

Or people who talk loudly on the bus or restaurant or theatre because they think they're cool, and they think that you'll think they're cool, but you really just wish they'd shut up.

Or when you're walking around in the mall or somewhere and someone stinky has just been there, and now they're gone but you walk into that wall of stink? That sucks! Same with if you go into a public washroom and there is no one in there but whoever was just in there totally deuced and so you try to hurry up and get out before someone else comes in and you almost make it but someone comes in just as you're washing your hands and they give you this look like "Gross. What the hell did you do in here?!" And you're trying to look all sympathetic like "I know, hey? It wasn't me!" and emphasizing it with crinkling your nose and even though you know it WASN'T you and you will probably never see this other person again, you can't stand it because that person totally thinks you were the one who had the stinky poo.
Yeah. That's annoying.

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