Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Celebrity Boyfriends

So I was just sitting here watching the Olympics and a commercial came on promoting BC (I guess, on account of the olympics) and there were all these canadian celebrities who came from Canada or BC of them was my new "boyfriend", Ryan Reynolds! Seriously, how hot is he? He is a relatively new boyfriend. I really started to notice him in Blade 3, but then he was in Definitely, Maybe and of course, now I'm fully on the bandwagon because of The Proposal. Wowza! Damn that Scar Jo!

RPattz is my boy and has been for quite awhile...ever since I finally gave in to Twilight. (sigh, Edward Cullen...okay, like in New Moon, when he's walking towards Bella and she kind of bites her lip and you can tell she's thinking "DAMN". Sigh...) I love when he runs his hands through his hair, then leaves it there. Also, his photoshoots are pretty hot. Can't wait to see his new Details shoot. (although I hear he hated all the nakedness happening in it - the girls, not him). I haven't seen it yet, but I'm also hating the nakedness that was happening around him. Get away from him girls - he's MINE.
I liked Channing Tatum from when he was in Coach Carter. I have yet to see his newest movie, Dear John - but I actually had a dream about him last night and I kind of got annoyed with him. He was kind of aloof and snobby and for some reason he was wearing a hoodie and a jean skirt for men (?) with leggings and Uggs. It was just not right. It wasn't like a kilt or anything, it was a jean skirt! (Do I dream in high fashion?) Anyways, I woke up and I have to say, I was pretty annoyed with him! Anyways, he's on the backburner, until I see his movie. Perhaps he will move up again...
Let's see...I loved Josh Hartnett for the longest time. I think he was from Minneapolis, so I felt very close to him. I thought if we ever got together, then at least he was in close proximity.
I had a brief "fling" with Sasha Vujacic of the LA Lakers during the finals last year. I even wore his jersey during every game. It turns out I had to defend his shooting everytime he came on court and it got tiresome. He cut his hair, so hopefully that will help this year. I will have to re-visit this crush if when the Lakers make it to finals this year. I hope his shooting has improved.


  1. hey am i the first to comment? I am so honored! I just wanted to let you know (and make you jealous) that I have a date with Mr. Robert Pattinson tomorrow night. Uh-huh that's right. Unfortunately there's a screen between us.

    i won't leave this totally anonymous...I'm your see-through-fry girl. : )

  2. have you seen the movie just friends with ryan? i sweaaaar...
    i love it!!!
