Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Boy is Mine. Not yours. But mine.

As always, I have to tell you my thoughts on the latest episode of gLee! And as always, it's GENIUS. I can't say enough about how much I love this show. It's at "Where have you been all my life?" epic proportions.

Oh, and try as I might to resist Puck's charms, yesterday I gave in.

My sister has been saying (ever since I fell in love with Finn) that she thought "the guy with the mohawk was WAY cuter". I thought he was a-ight, but I loved Finn's goofy, puppy dog looks and of course that song...(sigh...) But last night! I don't know - perhaps it was the fact that he shaved off that mohawk, the fact that he thought he lost his mojo because of it or probably because of the way he sang "The Lady is a Tramp" that I suddenly sat up and took notice! Don't get me wrong, I still love Finn and squealed with excitement when he started to sing "Jesse's Girl" (I almost wished my husband's name was Jesse, just so I could imagine he was singing that song about me). (fluttery eyes). But Puck's duet with Mercedes, that song, those dance moves and his actual voice! Magical.

Speaking of Mercedes - I clapped with delight when her song with Santana - "The Boy is Mine" (by Brandy & Monica) began! I especially enjoyed the beginning with the phone call..."Excuse me, can I please talk to you for a minute...Uh huh. Sure, you know, you look kinda familiar..." (classic!) Their ponytails were bouncing like crazy! Haha! And Kurt!! I seriously laughed out loud when he came in and started singing "Little Pink Houses". Plus, I think he could be on a (filipino) soap opera what with the automatic tears, just brimming in his eyes, ready to fall at any moment. The scene with his dad was soooo sweet - don't get me started, I'm already hyperventilating.

I pretty much love every character in this show. Really.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Ryan Murphy, whoever you are, for creating this show.

My life has new meaning.

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