Sunday, May 2, 2010


Ugh!! I'm SO irritated.

I have 2 major pet peeves in life: stupid people and bad grammar. Sometimes the former leads to the latter. (Although they're probably too stupid to know that anyways.) I've always wondered how someone could be that stupid. I mean, are they born that way or is it something they learn? And if it's something they've learned, did they learn it on their own, or did someone teach them? Most stupid people don't realize how stupid they really are. They just go along wreaking havoc and never knowing...

Now I believe there are different degrees of stupid.
1) There's the "accidently stupid" or "faux stupid" - These people are not normally dimwitted, they just happened to do something that was just dumb.  For the most part they're harmless as their actions only affected themselves. Often they didn't mean to be stupid, and it's kind of endearing so you can't help but feel a wee bit sorry for them. You might fit into this category if you've done something that caused you to say "Ugh, I'm SO stupid!" You see, acknowledging your stupidity indicates how not stupid you normally are.

2) The next set is the "constantly stupid" or " The Dumb-asses" - These people are annoying and they're everywhere - driving in front of you, talking loudly on their cell phones during movies, asking stupid questions, giving stupid answers. You can't get away from them! You never know when or where you will encounter them. Beware of these ones. They can give you high blood pressure.

3) The third category with the most severe form of stupidity is the "Are you effing serious, you're THAT stupid?!" stupid people. If you encounter one of these, turn around and run. Do not look back.

Bad grammar is just as annoying. Seriously, were you not paying attention in school? It was like the easiest subject ever! When in doubt, please use the "grammar check" button or stop talking. Thank you.

You may be wondering why I'm on a rant today. Well recently I encountered one of the above mentioned "stupid" people (A cross between 2 and 3 - a hybrid: Very annoying and very, very STUPID). This person was seriously wacked to begin with, but the latest thing they did was just so utterly idiotic, it inspired this diatribe of anger directed towards them all the other morons we have encounters with in our daily lives. Aren't you tired of them too? I mean, really, it's just exhausting.

Anyhoo, I feel much better now. Thanks for letting me vent. I think my blood pressure is back to normal.

1 comment:

  1. I hear u right there with u.
