Monday, March 22, 2010

Just nod your head and say "Sure"

Happy Monday Everybody! I hope you all had a great weekend...mine was a-ight. So...without further adieu, here is my recap:

Friday was a bust because I fell asleep at like 9:30. Apparently, I'm not a teenager anymore. (It's probably because I was up until 2:00 am the night before finishing my other post!) I did however, wake up at 2:30am, but I guess that doesn't count since I went right back to sleep.
Most of you know how my Saturday began - the meltdown due to the non-working hair dryer episode. (Oh! BTW, I forgot to mention that my husband also picked up a copy of New Moon on Blu-ray for me too. He's toooo good!) In the evening, we went to my sister-in-law's social. I worked at the door for most of the night collecting the tickets for the door prizes. It was amazing how many people would come up to me and say "Did my friend come in already?" or "Did Jean give you my tickets?"  or  "Is Lucy here?".  I would give them a smirk and say "Um, no." (Who are you and who the hell is your friend? Who is Jean? Why didn't you get your tickets from her before? I don't know where Lucy is. I don't even know what you're talking about.What is wrong with these people?) Or the best one: " My friend paid for her tickets, but not all of them, and she forgot to bring their tickets, but I have two more, but they didn't pay me yet." (blank look) "So uh...what do you want me to do?" I asked. "Well, if they come, could you just let them in?" Yeah. Sure. (If only I knew who "they" were). Other than that, it was a good turn out and for a moment there, we were even the winners of a Kitchen Prize Package! Yay! I was sitting just outside of the hall, selling the liquor tickets when someone came out to tell me that we had won! I was so excited about it, even if I didn't need the stuff in the kitchen package, because I never win anything! The excitement lasted until of course the raffle ended and people were leaving and I saw some random people walking out with my prizes. One of the girls beside me said, "Hey! Isn't that part of your prize?" I was like "What the? Someone stop those people!!!" and then my husband came out and said "Uh, yeah, I went up, but it was the wrong number." I said "You tosser! You had one job to do!" (in a british accent, a la Ocean's 11) But in the end it was fine because one of our friends left with the XBox 360 AND Playstation 3 (no fair!!!!), and my cousin won a big basket of assorted perfumes and colognes. Yay! She gon smell nice...
Sunday was a nice lazy day...sleeping in, catching up on soap operas and visiting my nephew. Sunday is always one of those days that you wish wouldn't go so fast, obvi because of work the next day, but I don't really mind Sunday evenings because Amazing Race and Desperate Housewives is on.

So yes, the end of another weekend. What did I learn this weekend?
1) I'm not a teenager and therefore can not stay up until the wee hours of the morning, even on Fridays.
2) When people tell you things that don't make sense, just nod your head and say "Sure."
3) Double check the raffle tickets that my husband thinks are winners.
4) Sundays always eventually turn into Mondays. boo.

I wonder what excitement this week will bring?

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