Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jem is truly outrageous, truly, truly, truly outrageous!

So yesterday at work we were talking about perms. I know what you're thinking... "Do people still get perms?!" I know, right? I mean, do hairstylists still even DO perms?! I'm sure that at one point in your life, you've had a perm. Don't even try and deny. Everyone has had a perm. I spent most of my childhood with a perm...and part of my 20's. A perm and a bad dye job (ie. blond dye on black hair = orange). But I digress...

When I think of perms, I remember the smell of the perm solution and how it would make my eyes water. I remember those plastic rods that attached with an elastic band at the ends and the small square tissue paper they used to wrap the hair in. I remember sitting there for hours, waiting for the perm to set, with a picture of what I wanted my perm to look like:
my dream hair (when I was 12), the outfit ain't bad either!
Obvi, Samantha Micelli's hair from Who's the Boss? (She was SO my idol). Who didn't want this hair? (Or for that matter, her wardrobe. Or even Chad McCann?!) But what I remember the most, is the "triangle head" that always inevitably came out. No matter how much I explained what I wanted...I always came out like this -Shayna  from the Holograms (the girl with the perpel hair (haha! perpel hair!!!) on the end.
Jem and the Holograms Rule!!
However, the only thing worse than having a triangle head was when the perm started to grow out. In those days, we didn't have the straighteners that we have today. So, half my hair would be straight and the other half, still curly from the perm. At that point I either had to decide to either re-perm and have a longer "isosceles triangle head" (see diagram): 
Or grow it out and endure the "half and half", until it was long enough to cut off! And, after every time I grew it out, I would swear that I would never have a perm again! But...the pull of the perm was too strong and each time (armed with my pic of  "Samantha" and unfailing hope) I would try again... Eventually, I finally gave up. I decided to end my quest for the elusive perm of my dreams.

Hm...I wonder how I would look with a perm now???

You're right. I would end up looking like a triangle head again. Fine...

So, how do we feel about Jem's hair?

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