Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Do Bobble Heads have more fun?

Ha! I'm young again. I got my hair did last night and I must say, hello blonnndie! (said with a new yok accent) I'm not actually blond, its just highlights, but wow, not only does my head look lighter, it actually feels lighter. Perhaps that's why I had a sore neck. My hair was weighing my head down. Now I'm all bobble-head.

I have to admit it's kind of early in the season for me to get highlights, but what with the awful-ness that was happening yesterday morning, I just HAD to. The jokes on me though because my hairstylist (I was always calling her a  "hairdresser" before, but how old-school is that?) is going on mat like, a month. So now, I will have to pray that my hairs chill on the growing for now at least, to buy me some time. I will, however, have to find a replacement for June as my hair has an important task - wedding duties! It's a lot of pressure to put on the hair, I admit, but as we all know, good hair is the key to success. (or at least a good mood, in my case). Unfortunately, my high hopes of long flowing locks were dashed upon asking my all-knowing stylist how long it would be by then. She told me it would only be about 1 inch longer. Curses!! Are extensions out of the question? 

Anyways, I figure I have a couple days until my head starts to get heavy again. So for now, if you see me shaking my head all "short and sassy" styles, just ignore me - I'm just enjoying my wobbly head.

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