Tuesday, March 16, 2010

TV is my guide.

So I was thinking that I was going to start doing my posts in the evening...its so hard to be stealth writing these during the day. However, this is prime TV season and even though I like PVR everything, I really have a hard time actually watching my pvr'd shows. I really wanted to try and stay up-to-date. Of course this is virtually impossible now, what with all my shows coming back from hiatus.  But anyways, we will see how it goes. (Yes, TV is an extremely important part of my life - ask my husband or anyone in my family. They will confirm that I'm a complete zoner when I'm watching a show.) Personally I like to write whenever the feeling strikes me as I read somewhere that creativity is heightened when it is spur of the moment. Or something like that.

Back to my all important TV schedule. So you all know that Mondays is my Gossip Girl/How I Met/Big Bang Theory nights. Tuesdays is American Idol (though, this is not something I absolutely HAVE to watch), though I'm sure Dancing With Stars will be happening soon. Wednesdays is ANTM and AI results (usually)and perhaps DWTS results (unless DWTS happens on Mondays, then results on Tuesdays, which totally would not help my cause). Also, that new Tinsley Mortimer Reality Show "High Society" has started on Weds as well, though I don't know how long it will last because the people on there are AWFUL. Really, if I were an NY Socialite, I would SO want to be like Blair Waldorf. (BTW, did any of you watch GG yesterday? Her tweed outfit and fantabulous necklace? Love. and also, Chuck Bass, as always, LOVE.) Anyways - I'm completely drawn to this horrendous show, but like a car accident, I can't look away. Thursdays = Grey's (obvi) and luckily, nothin is on, on Fridays. However, I am slightly addicted to filipino soap operas and must watch no less than 3 of those shows a day as well. (I seriously don't know how I get anything done at home!). On Saturdays there's usually nothing on (thankfully) and Sundays are Amazing Race/Desperate Housewives night. Let's not forget movies...For example yesterday I had to watch You've Got Mail, all three times it was on. Granted, I didn't watch the WHOLE movie each time, but I always caught it at the same part and I only watched it once till the end. Don't ask me why. I love that movie.

So anyways, I'm going to try and write these posts in the evening...in between my show times. Hm...it seems highly unlikely. I think I will go back to being stealth tomorrow...

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