Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is this seat taken?

Here's something annoying. Can you please tell me why people who come in 5 minutes before a movie begins, expect to find GOOD seats? Seriously, these people come in and start talking all loudly that they wish people would move over so that they could sit down. Are you kidding me? I can't stand it and the reason I'm ignoring you is because it's your own fault. Sorry I do not have sympathy for you. If you come in that late, expect to sit at the front or some crappy seat. I always like to be at a movie hella early. Ask my husband (or any of our friends) - I start freaking out if we're not there at least 40 minutes before a movie starts. If it's the opening of a movie, I will take the day off. For example, when New Moon came out, me, my sister and a couple of friends, went to the mall for 9:00am. (The movie wasn't starting until 12:30, but the theatre was opening at 11:00). We started to line up outside the theatre doors at 10:00. When the doors finally opened, I pushed my way through and over any 'tweens that got in my way. That's how I roll.

I want to be there to get the seats that I want, the seats that will enhance my movie watching experience. These seats are usually at the very top and the center of the row. I can settle for the not quite center, but I prefer seats at the very top. We had an unfortunate incident one time where the guy behind us kept kicking my husband's seat and I normally hate confrontation, but it was getting ridiculous. Finally my husband turned around and said "Can you STOP kicking my seat already?!" I wasn't sure what to expect when we turned around, but it turns out it was a old man who didn't realize he was kicking the seat every time he changed his leg position. However, I was tense through the whole movie. I didn't want my husband kicking some old guy's ass. Another time, we got into a fight with this lady in a wheelchair who came in and asked my husband to move for her companion (not in a wheelchair). The previews had already started, we had been sitting in these seats for 45 minutes, the theatre was packed and she expected US to move? OMG. Are you kidding? We calmly said "Hellz NO." So she started to freak out, while her companion looked for another seat. Good thing her friend, found a seat. But this lady was actually threatening to tell the manager on us, saying we were in the "handicapped seats". We were like "Whatever". However, the movie was starting and she was forced to stop her ranting. I was tense through the whole movie. I didn't want my husband kicking some handicapped woman's ass. Anyways, she left after the movie, our earlier drama forgotten and no manager came to talk to us. We waited until everyone left so we could check the seats. Apparently, there ARE "handicapped seats". Oops. This is another reason we go early, to make sure we are not sitting in the "handicapped seats".

Because I'm so obsessive about going to movies early, my friends are usually forced to go early as well (I've kind of spread my neuroses to them too). In rare cases if not everyone can get there as early as me, we save seats. I don't really MIND saving seats... I mean, I don't mind if you're parking the car or getting popcorn and I have enough outerwear to spread out on the seats so that people know they're taken...just don't ask me to save a whole row. I once went to a movie where these girls were saving a WHOLE row, with only one girl on each side having to say "Sorry, we're saving the whole row." Let me tell you, there were some irate movie goers that day. (I, of course, played the hero and stated that the seats in my row were available. Smug smirk.)

So yeah, I'm very particular about my movie watching experience. I think of it like this: I made the decision to actually GO to a theatre to watch the movie, got dressed up and paid for my ticket, so obviously I would want it to be optimal. That's just how I am.

Also, please take a shower. I can't sit through a movie if the person beside me is stinky. I don't want my husband to have to kick a stinky person's ass.

1 comment:

  1. i love it.
    p.s. hate it when people talk on their cell phones during a movie. hates it.
