Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"You're getting olda now..."

I think I'm getting old. I woke up this morning with a sore neck. A pain in the neck. No, not my husband. (haha) Crap. I'm making old people jokes. Hm....Actually I had the sore neck last night because I fell asleep on the couch, at the wrong angle. Then, when my husband woke me up to go upstairs, my legs were all sore, so I basically crawled up the stairs. Then this morning I woke up with the previously mentioned sore neck, sore legs and then looked in the mirror and I'm pretty sure a new crop of white hairs (I call them "white hairs" not "grey hairs" because they're fricken white) grew all around my head. I can't even pretend they're "highlights" because hello, the hair comes out white, then half-way down the shaft its black, then the rest of the way it's brown. I have a multi-colored head, and not in a good fashionable way. So of course I stood in front of the mirror to examine my hair in disgust. This of course delayed the whole getting ready process. I changed like 3x today (and started ironing 3 different sweaters). I finally was fine with my outfit, but then got my merlot-y lipstick on it, so I had to change again. This of course made us late to leave, which gave me even worse road rage than I normally have. (I have passenger side road-rage which is way worse than driver-side road rage. My husband thinks I have Tourette's) So, I was late for work...and what was the point I was trying to make? I forgot. I'm fricken old. UGH.

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